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Daily Dispatches

Count on Sinclair for gold commentary even on Sunday

Section: Daily Dispatches

1:09p ET Sunday, May 11, 2003

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Here's a bunch of important stuff we'll try to keep in a single

1) The interview of John Embry, president of Sprott Asset
Management of Toronto, on Canada's ROB-TV quot;Market
Callquot; program last Thursday went wonderfully for gold,
according to friends who watched it. I have been able to
watch via ROB-TV's Internet archive only the first segment

Mike Kosares'' commentary: It''s the dollar''s turn to fall

Section: Daily Dispatches

9:54p ET Wednesday, May 7, 2003

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

The investment newsletters column at Forbes magazine
quotes GATA Chairman Bill Murphy prominently today.
You can find the column here:

a href=

And the quot;Market Callquot; program on Canada's television
network for business news and commentary, ROB-TV,

Even Greenspan''s getting queasy over Morgan''s derivatives business

Section: Daily Dispatches

4:53p ET Thursday, May 8, 2003

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Centennial Precious Metals' proprietor, our friend
Mike Kosares, has more brilliant commentary at
his Internet site,, which I will
take the liberty of appending in the hope that it
will prompt people to check out that indispensable
venue and its products.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

Forbes quotes GATA chairman, and ROB-TV interviews John Embry

Section: Daily Dispatches

8:53p ET Tuesday, May 6, 2003

Dear friend of GATA and Gold:

An English translation of the article about GATA in the
recent edition of Quote magazine in the Netherlands
has been posted at the GATA Internet site here:

a href=

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer

An exchange with James Turk over his essay ''More Proof''

Section: Daily Dispatches

3:36p ET Sunday, May 4, 2003

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

On behalf of GATA, I will be interviewed on Radio Free
America this evening at 9 ET. The program will have a
worldwide audience via shortwave over 5.085 and/or
6.380 and be carried live on the Internet at
and archived at and The program's
host, Tom Valentine, tells me they have a very intelligent

English translation of article about GATA from Quote magazine in Netherlands

Section: Daily Dispatches

9:28p ET Tuesday, May 6, 2003

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Here's an exchange between GATA consultant James
Turk, editor of the Freemarket Gold amp; Money Report
and founder of GoldMoney, and a reader of his recent
essay, quot;More Proof,quot; which was posted at GATA's
Internet site here ...

a href=

... as well as at other gold-oriented Internet sites.

GATA chairman to be interviewed by Radio Free America

Section: Daily Dispatches

1:12p ET Saturday, May 3, 2003

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

The former Federal Reserve official who spoke at last week's
meeting of the Committee for Monetary Research and
Education, H. David Willey, issued a press release summarizing
his talk, and it is appended here.

While Willey asserted that there is quot;no clear evidencequot; of a
surreptitious central bank policy to suppress the gold price,

MineWeb and Calandra commentary worth checking out

Section: Daily Dispatches

a href=

JOHANNESBURG, Friday, May 2 (Dow Jones) -- Harmony
Gold Mining Co. Ltd. said late Friday that it plans to take
over fellow gold miner African Rainbow Minerals Gold Ltd,
or ARMGold, in a transaction that will create the world's
fifth largest gold producer, producing approximately 4.1

Former Fed official''s summary of his presentation to CMRE

Section: Daily Dispatches

12:39p ET Saturday, May 3, 2003

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Here's a bunch of stuff from the last few days that
may interest you.

MineWeb has:

-- An interview with Tan Range CEO and gold trader
extraordinaire Jim Sinclair.

-- Analysis of Harmony's acquisition of ARM.

-- Commentary on Barrick's latest financial report that concludes
that quot;Barrick is as Barrick wasquot; and that it is hard to understand

A too-brief exchange with a former Federal Reserve official

Section: Daily Dispatches

4:56p ET Tuesday, April 29, 2003

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

You'll want to read Jim Sinclair's commentary tonight,
quot;What is the Future for Gold Shares?quot; You can find it

a href=

As the dollar continues its crash, you may enjoy the
new essay by William L. Anderson of the Ludwig von
Mises Institute, who observes that Iraq's Saddam dinar
