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Daily Dispatches

Summer rally for gold in all currencies, Calandra predicts

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Jim Sinclair
June 18, 2003
a href=http://www.jsmineset.com

There's a time to be skeptical and a time not to be.
Gold shares are reflecting a significant up-tick in
market sentiment and the motivating factor appears
to be renewed interest from the quot;establishmentquot;
investment crowd.

Their interest in gold shares is based on the
assumption that a weaker dollar is positive for

Gold is invited to the dance of the currencies

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Thom Calandra, Editor
June 18, 2003

Gold's price is on the verge of staging a
powerful summer rally in all currencies,
boosting bullion producers and their more
risky counterparts, exploration companies.


For the full commentary:

a href=

Why are gold and the gold shares running so well amid a general market rally?

Section: Daily Dispatches

10:28p ET Sunday, June 15, 2003

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

While the financial world speculates about gold,
GATA consultant Reg Howe once again digs
out the source material and reports the facts.

In his new commentary tonight, titled quot;Not
Your Father's Gold Market,quot; Howe analyzes the
latest figures on gold derivatives as reported
by the Bank for International Settlements and

Gold analyst Victor Hugo is convinced: Banks collude to suppress gold

Section: Daily Dispatches

12:34p ET Monday, June 16, 2003

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Why, Peter Brimelow at CBSMarketWatch asks, are gold
and the gold shares running so strongly alongside a
rally in the general share market?

The answer he gets is that the Federal Reserve is
pushing interest rates so far below a zero real return
that money has nowhere else to go but into real assets,
and, of course, gold may be the realest of the real.

Newmont again extends deadline for Yandal hedge counterparty

Section: Daily Dispatches

1:10p ET Monday, June 16, 2003

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

GATA Chairman Bill Murphy's June 13 quot;Midasquot; commentary
at has been posted in the clear
at Kitco:

a href=

As important as that commentary is, let's hope Murphy will
forgive anyone who gets more enthusiastic about South

Merrill Lynch buys a tonne of gold; and Jay Taylor''s latest commentary

Section: Daily Dispatches

11:21p ET Friday, June 13, 2003

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

A couple of things possibly of interest....

Chris Temple, editor of The National Investor, has a new
essay arguing that the central banks are liquefying the
gold market to get the quot;too big to failquot; shorts out of the
way and arrange an orderly rise of the gold price:

a href=

Most central bank gold is now committed to price-suppression scheme, Howe finds

Section: Daily Dispatches

11:20a ET Sunday, June 15, 2003

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

A Merrill Lynch fund has bought a tonne of gold.
quot;We look at gold as cash,quot; the fund manager
explains. quot;It's just a different type of cash.quot;
You can find this report at MineWeb here:

a href=

Got a derivatives problem? Call a JP Morgan guy!

Section: Daily Dispatches

11:34p ET Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

A few things especially worth checking tonight....

MineWeb has a dispatch about last weekend's
gold conference in Vancouver, at which GATA
Chairman Bill Murphy spoke:

a href=

And Jim Sinclair has two brief commentaries:

A report on Denver Gold Group''s convention in San Francisco

Section: Daily Dispatches

White House Sends OFHEO's Brickell Nomination To Senate

By Dawn Kopecki
Dow Jones Newswires
Thursday June 12, 2003

WASHINGTON -- After months of delay, the White House
hurried to the U.S. Senate Thursday the formal nomination
of a new director of the federal agency that regulates
Freddic Mac, just three days after the company booted its
top executives over problems with its accounting practices.

Barrick''s confession makes Insight Magazine online

Section: Daily Dispatches

Fed Is Creating Golden Opportunity

By Aaron L. Task
June 13, 2003
a href=

As fans of quot;Supermanquot; comics and/or quot;Seinfeldquot; know,
Bizarro World is a land where up is down, black is white,
good is bad and so on. In other words, it's sort of like the
