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Daily Dispatches

Bill Murphy on Bank of England

Section: Daily Dispatches


By Steven Jon Kaplan

Gold Mining Outlook

5 p.m. EDT, Friday, May 7, 1999.


Buy more gold.

Although the Bank of England announced early Friday
morning that they are selling 415 of their 715 tonnes
of gold, this is likely to be one of the last major
gold sales by central banks. The worldwide recession
recovery, combined with a strong commodities rally,

No Subject

Section: Daily Dispatches

Friday night 5/7/99

Dear Friends of GATA:

Here's another article from tonight
that's about gold and mentions GATA. Our chairman,
Bill Murphy, has been working nearly around the
clock for a couple of weeks now and it's starting
to pay off with publicity in the mining and
financial worlds.

Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee


Five Items and a Farewell

Section: Daily Dispatches

Friday night, May 7, 1999

Dear GATA Egroup members:

You may be interested in this major feature
article published about the Gold Anti-Trust
Action Committee tonight at

While this was a day of treachery in the gold
market, thanks to the Bank of England, this
treachery is so extreme and desperate that I'm
hopeful that it will open the eyes of many.

More and more evidence supports GATA's

From the Cafe this Week

Section: Daily Dispatches

Hello Friends of GATA and Gold,

I have something important to share with you in my opening letter.
Following on that you will find five VIEWPOINTS and E-MAIL CAMPAIGN

1. The FED Responds to GATA Member Richard Harmon's Letter
2. Ken Reser Appeals to Members to Activate Canada's Politicos
3. Responses to Bill Murphy's Vancouver Radio Interview
4. THC tells GATA to join E-gold
5. Josh Wright is doing well with his Gold links site

A Home Run for Bill in Radio Interview

Section: Daily Dispatches

Hello GATA Members,

Here are extracts from the last few days' postings at Le Metropole
Cafe (

GATA Chairman Bill Murphy wrote (as Midas) on Friday, April 9:

"The most bullish set up in the history of the gold market! The CFTC
Commitment of Traders Report was released after the close today and
it was a whopper and even more bullish than we told you it would be

Worldwide website listening possible for Murphy radio interview

Section: Daily Dispatches

GATA friends,

Bill Murphy has been told, his Radio Interview tomorrow is at 10-30
a.m. Vancouver time, for half an hour, not 10 a.m.

GO GATA, Go Gold,

Boudewijn Wegerif (Bodwin)
Moderator GATA E-Mail Group



Change of time, to 10.30 am, for Bill Murphy radio interview

Section: Daily Dispatches

I am just letting the words flow here, GATA members; with a hello,
leading straight into, well I've just heard the interview -- Bill
Murphy speaking to Rafe Mair on Radio CKNW 98, Vancouver, with
(speaking as a baseball enthusiast) a home run in the third session.

It is to me amazing that I am able to come straight on line here in
Sweden within five minutes of hearing Bill strike our

This week''s E-mail Campaign posting

Section: Daily Dispatches

Hello GATA members,

Yes, the E-mail Campaign has scored a Radio Station Plus. As a result of
Don Bogle's initiative, relayed to you in the E-mail Campaign posting
earlier this evening, GATA chairman Bill Murphy is to be interviewed on
the leading daytime radio program in Vancouver on Thursday at 10 AM. It
is the Reif Mair Show on Radio station CKNW . ("98 on your dial," Bill
tells me; but I am not sure I will be able to pick it up here in Sweden.

NEWS FLASH -- Leading Daytime Radio Interview

Section: Daily Dispatches

Hellow GATA members,

Doug Byron and Ray DeMoss between them put me wise to the fact that

The website for the radio station that Bill will be interviewed on is
http://www.cknw.com10:00 AM PDT Thursday


You can listen in worldwide on Real Audio Download, which is
available on free demonstration

Good listening,


YGM Ken Reser has pointed to some VERY interesting postings at

Gold for Steadfast People, other VIEWPOINTS and Murphy Update.

Section: Daily Dispatches

Friends of GATA and Gold,

There are four subjects covered in this week's E-mail Campaign posting:

# Contacting Your Local Radio Stations for GATA
# Promoting GATA Through the Gold Links
# A Shareholder's Challenge
# Texts and Lists for E-mailing Mining Companies

And in Item 5 I introduce DE GOLDMINE LINKS WORLD, which has given
prominence to GATA, and from where you can visit what looks like all the
