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Daily Dispatches

Despite its great run, gold still has an image problem

Section: Daily Dispatches

By James Sinclair, Chairman
Tan Range Exploration Corp.
Friday, December 20, 2002

I have learned to recognize that when a Federal Reserve chairman
discusses subjects, it is wise to take seriously not only what is
said but also that it is said. It was this approach that gave me the
cue in 1980 that Chairman Paul Volker was going to take the anti-
inflationary stance he did.It was this understanding that gave me the

Economist Murenbeeld defends Barrick''s hedging program

Section: Daily Dispatches

Hot, but still not respectable;
Gold's image problem

By Steve Maich
Financial Post (National Post), Canada
Friday, December 20, 2002

a href=

Gold may be having a great run of late but it
still has a serious image problem.

Morgan e-mails tell of ''disguised loans'' but may be excluded as evidence

Section: Daily Dispatches

TOCOM gold at 5 1/2-year high in panic buying

TOKYO, Dec. 19 (Reuters) -- Tokyo gold
futures ended a frantic morning session at
5 1/2-year highs on Thursday as roiling war
clouds over Iraq triggered a storm of stop-
loss buying.

All yen-based gold contracts except the new
December 2003 benchmark finished limit-up at
lifetime highs. Turnover was a staggering
144,782 lots or 144.8 tonnes in the morning,

An ode to gold at $350, or why it may be too late for Morgan Chase

Section: Daily Dispatches

12:17a ET Thursday, December 19, 2002

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

The Bloomberg story below about the lawsuit filed against
Morgan Chase by its insurers may remind you of the
great courtroom movie quot;The Verdict,quot; in which only one
witness tells the truth and yet her testimony is stricken
from the record on a technicality. But, as in that movie,
sometimes the truth comes out anyway, and there is justice.

Great worldwide publicity for Blanchard lawsuit against Barrick, Morgan

Section: Daily Dispatches

The Alchemist
By A.A. Milne

There lives an old man at the top of the street,
And the end of his beard reaches down to his feet,
And he's just the one person I'm longing to meet,
I think that he sounds so exciting;

For he talks all the day to his tortoiseshell cat,
And he asks about this, and explains about that,
And at night he puts on a big wide-awake hat
And sits in the writing-room, writing.

Blanchard suit against Barrick, Morgan, makes Page 1 of National Post in Canada

Section: Daily Dispatches

12:50a ET Thursday, December 19, 2002

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Reports from the GATA Army are that the
Blanchard lawsuit against Barrick Gold and
Morgan Chase is getting excellent mention on
Canadian, European, and Asian television
business news programs and may be affecting
the market. A Reuters story including
Barrick's denial of wrongdoing is appended

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer

Barrick is innocent, MineWeb editor says

Section: Daily Dispatches

Lawsuit alleges Barrick plotted to undermine gold price;
'Ludicrous,' company says

Steve Maich
National Post, Canada
Thursday, December 19, 2002

a href=

A large U.S. metals dealer is suing Canada's biggest gold
mining company and one of the largest banks in the United

If you think anything might be wrong in in the gold market, ever, you''re crazy

Section: Daily Dispatches

The Globe and Mail, Toronto
Thursday, December 19, 2002
Print Edition, Page B-1
a href=http://www.theglobeandmail.com

TORONTO and VANCOUVER -- Barrick Gold Corp.
and J.P. Morgan Chase amp; Co. illegally
depressed the price of gold for years, a $2-
billion (U.S.) lawsuit launched by a major
U.S. gold retailer alleges.

Chris Temple''s commentary on gold price and Blanchard lawsuit

Section: Daily Dispatches

The 'lone gunmen' of gold strike again

The Globe and Mail, Toronto
Thursday, December 19, 2002
Online Edition
Posted at 4:39 PM EST

a href=

There's something about gold that makes
otherwise rational people well, kind of

Blanchard Co. sues Barrick and Morgan, charging manipulation of gold price

Section: Daily Dispatches

11:24p ET Tuesday, December 17, 2002

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Note the excerpt below from today's CBSMarketWatch
story headlined quot;Gold prices reach five-year high,quot;
which you can find here:

a href=
