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Daily Dispatches

American Stock Exchange creates Gold Miners Index

Section: Daily Dispatches

10:50p ET Wednesday, October 6, 2004

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Keith Barron, editor of Straight Talk on Mining,
harkens to a 16-year-old book, Kenneth Ackerman's
"The Gold Ring," in a new essay posted at
Gold-Eagle, "Gold Manipulation -- Nothing New
Under the Sun." Barron notes that gold has been
the target of unscrupulous traders throughout
history, and he describes the corner worked on

Dallas Fed president says dollar has to weaken

Section: Daily Dispatches

6:12p ET Thursday, October 7, 2004

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

The American Stock Exchange has announced its
creation of a gold and silver mining company
index, the Amex Gold Miners Index, which will
trade under the symbol GDM. GoldSeek has the
story and a chart showing the composition of
the index. You can find it here:

Foreign central banks reduce U.S. government debt holdings

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Reuters
7:28p ET Thursday, October 7, 2004

NEW YORK -- The widening U.S. current account
deficit will require a decline in the value of
the dollar, a top Federal Reserve official said
on Thursday.

Dallas Fed President Robert McTeer said there were

If you read The Gartman Letter, this stuff doesn''t happen

Section: Daily Dispatches

From Reuters
Thursday, October 7, 2004

NEW YORK -- Foreign central banks became sellers
of U.S. Treasuries in the latest week, cutting into
the annual pace of their accumulation of U.S. debt,
the Federal Reserve reported on Thursday.

First Silver Reserve starts holding its cash in silver

Section: Daily Dispatches

"Conspiracies rarely exist."
-- Dennis Gartman in The Gartman Letter, September 14, 2004

* * *

4 Ex-Traders Plan to Enter Guilty Pleas;
False Gas Data at El Paso Corp. Led to Charges

By Tom Fowler
Houston Chronicle
Wednesday, October 6, 2004

Clive Maund: No stopping gold if the dollar caves in

Section: Daily Dispatches

Company Press Release
Thursday, October 7, 2004

VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- First Silver Reserve Inc.
(FSR on the Toronto Exchange) today announced that the
ccompany has invested a portion of its cash assets in

This silver was purchased in early September at prices

LeMetropole Cafe''s ''Midas'' commentary for Oct. 7 posted in the clear at GoldSeek

Section: Daily Dispatches

9:53p ET Thursday, October 7, 2004

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

As we await tomorrow's announcements that all
those thousands of people laid off by AT&T and
Bank of America have just found jobs in the
U.S. Army's expeditionary force being sent to
Iran (yes, that's an "n," not a "q"), that
Osama bin Laden has been captured while working
the phones at Kerry campaign headquarters in

CNN/Money takes note of gold and gold stocks

Section: Daily Dispatches

9:23p ET Tuesday, October 5, 2004

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

The importance of the speech of Oleg V. Mozhaiskov,
deputy chairman of the Bank of Russia, to the June
meeting of the London Bullion Market Association,
which the LBMA suppressed and which GATA finally
was able to obtain, was recognized yesterday by
gold market analyst John Brimelow.

Brimelow's analysis is included in the daily

Canada suddenly discovers that it''s a gold-mining country

Section: Daily Dispatches

Gold, and gold stocks, have enjoyed
a rapid run-up since May.
Do they have more room to run?

By Mark Gongloff
CNN/Money Senior Writer
Wednesday, October 6, 2004

NEW YORK -- Confronted with a shaky U.S. dollar,
soaring oil prices, sluggish stocks, and the
ever-present threat of terrorism, investors have

Keith Barron: Rigging the gold market is nothing new

Section: Daily Dispatches

Canada Resists British Plan
to Revalue IMF Gold Reserves

ByBarrie McKenna
The Globe & Mail, Toronto
Monday, October 4, 2004

WASHINGTON -- Canada has thrown up a major
new roadblock to a debt-cancellation deal for the
