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Daily Dispatches

GATA chairman gets the microphone, and Russia reports record reserves

Section: Daily Dispatches

Sinking Dollar Rekindles Funds' Memory of a Year Ago

By Jamie McGeever
Thursday, October 21, 2004

NEW YORK -- Roused by this week's breakout from
the summer doldrums in currency markets, hedge

China''s foreign minister says investment in Canadian resources is only starting

Section: Daily Dispatches

7p ET Thursday, October 21, 2004

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Stanlie Hunt gave the Smartstox microphone to GATA
Chairman Bill Murphy at the recent gold conference
in Toronto, and you can watch and listen to the
"King of the Gold Bugs" here:

Appended is a story from today's edition of the

Five major currencies have fallen behind gold since July

Section: Daily Dispatches

China Set to Buy Up Canada's Resources;
Noranda Takeover is Just a Start,
Foreign Minister Tells Geoffrey York in Beijing

ByGeoffrey York
The Globe and Mail, Toronto
Thursday, Oct 21, 2004

China's Communist rulers have a blunt message for

James Turk: Dollar has broken down out of its recent trading range

Section: Daily Dispatches

History Repeating

By Marc Faber
Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Investors should never forget the lessons of the South
Sea Bubble and John Law's experiment with paper
money, as discussed in Friday's Reckoning. The
Mississippi Scheme in particular is relevant to the
current situation in the United States; in fact, there
are several lessons contemporary investors can
learn from John Law's rise and ultimate demise.

Having presided in scandal at Citigroup, Rubin seeks political return with Kerry

Section: Daily Dispatches

By The Associated Press
11:05p ET Sunday, October 17, 2004

SINGAPORE -- The price of crude oil surged past
an unprecedented $55 per barrel Monday amid
continued uncertainty over production, high
demand, and tight supply globally.

Are foreign central banks and investors tiptoeing away from the dollar?

Section: Daily Dispatches

Citi's Bob Rubin Is Back In The Game;

Politics, that is. He has Kerry's ear, and
that improves the candidate's credibility

By Marcia Vickers
Business Week
October 25, 2004

On Oct. 12, the eve of the presidential debate
focusing on the economy and other domestic

SEC''s investigation of Fannie Mae gets serious

Section: Daily Dispatches

Bearish on Uncle Sam?
As Foreign Investment Shows Decline, Economists Keep Watch

By Jonathan Weisman and Ben White
Washington Post
Tuesday, October 19, 2004

NEW YORK -- On Sept. 9, as it must frequently do, the
U.S. government turned to Wall Street to raise a little

Another mainstream press story notes that central banks are propping up U.S.

Section: Daily Dispatches

From Reuters
Tuesday, October 19, 2004

WASHINGTON -- U.S. mortgage finance giant Fannie
Mae said on Tuesday the Securities and Exchange
Commission had changed the status of its
investigation of the company's accounting to
formal from informal.

Ted Butler: Market rigging is blowing up but silver miners still don''t see it

Section: Daily Dispatches

Private Investors Abroad
Cut their Investments in U.S.

By Eduardo Porter
The New York Times
Tuesday, October 19, 2004

The flow of foreign capital contracted in August as
private investors lost some of their appetite for

Marc Faber: Excess liquidity can slosh into commodities and push them up fast

Section: Daily Dispatches

Right In Front of Our Eyes

By Theodore Butler
Tuesday, October 19, 2004

There were two extraordinary developments last
week. Although the connection was not made
openly, they were very much related.

The first development was the historic one-day
selloff in the base metals on October 13. It is
difficult to recall a day when metals such as
copper, aluminum, zinc, and lead fell by as much
