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Daily Dispatches

Gold price hike freezes Vietnamese real estate market

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Rachelle Younglai
Friday, November 25, 2005

TORONTO -- Placer Dome Inc.'s chief executive has gone on the
offensive, hitting the road for face-to-face meetings with
shareholders and urging them to reject a hostile $9.2 billion bid

Join GATA at the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference in January

Section: Daily Dispatches

From Tuoi Tre, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Saturday, November 26, 2005

Over the last two weeks real estate agents have had few customers.
Doan Khac Thuat, director of Saigon real estate trading, explained
that the dramatic gold price increase has caused trading activities

Peter Brimelow: M3 mutterers refuse to give thanks

Section: Daily Dispatches

4:53p ET Thursday, November 24, 2005

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

When Russian President Vladimir Putin this week attended a mineral
resources exhibition in the Russian Far East, endorsed the plan of
the Bank of Russia to double its gold reserves, and expressed
support for increasing his country's gold production, many assumed
that Russian gold purchases would come from domestic production and

Investor quandary: Buy gold or gold mining stocks?

Section: Daily Dispatches

M3 Mutterers Refuse to Give Thanks

By Peter Brimelow
Friday, November 25, 2005

NEW YORK -- The stock market reaches for multi-year highs -- but so
does gold. Is that a warning sign?

Placer Dome CEO expects higher bid from Barrick

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Steve James
Friday, November 25, 2005

NEW YORK -- With the price of gold inching toward $500 an ounce for
the first time in 18 years, investors might be in a quandary: whether
to buy gold bullion or shares in gold mining companies.

He who sells what isn''t his''n buys it back or ... hides in Xi''an?

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Caroline Baum
Bloomberg News Service
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

A chill wind swept across Western Europe, rattling the remains of
long-dead Germans who carried memories of wheelbarrows full of
worthless deutsche marks to their graves.

Stateside, the conspiracy theorists seized on the new information as

Russian central bank will buy gold ''on all markets'' -- foreign and domestic

Section: Daily Dispatches

Beijing Adds to Copper Volatility

By Kevin Morrison
Financial Times, London
Thursday, November 24, 2005

Benchmark copper prices rose more than $100 on Thursday to within
sight of the record highs reached last week.

The gains came on rumours that China's State Reserve Bureau still

If Russia is serious, it''s about to blow up the gold price suppression scheme

Section: Daily Dispatches

Russian Central Bank Could Increase Gold in Reserves

From RIA Novosti News Agency
Thursday, November 24, 2005

MOSCOW -- The Russian Central Bank could increase the share of gold
in the national gold and currency reserves, a senior bank official
said Thursday.

First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Alexei Ulyukayev said the

Placer Dome board rejects Barrick offer, reviews alternatives

Section: Daily Dispatches

10:09p ET Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

GATA Chairman Bill Murphy's "Midas" commentary for
today at presents the evidence
that Russia has been paying close attention to and
acting on what GATA has been saying. You can find
Murphy's commentary at GoldSeek here:

China moves to knock down copper prices

Section: Daily Dispatches

From Reuters
Wednesday, November 23, 2005

MONTREAL -- Placer Dome Inc. said today its board of directors has
rejected an unsolicited takeover offer from Barrick Gold Corp. and
it is in talks with others about alternatives.
