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Daily Dispatches

Encouraging report about Denver gold conference

Section: Daily Dispatches

5:38p ET Saturday, September 29, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

What may be the most important news story of the
week is posted at, wherein Tim
Wood reports that the World Gold Council has begun
to pay attention to gold as money and in a way
that may expose the International Monetary Fund
as the device by which gold is being suppressed
by the central banks of the industrial world.

World Gold Council starts talking about gold as money

Section: Daily Dispatches

Copyright 2001,
Not to be reproduced without permission


By Bill Murphy
September 27, 2001

Gold $290.95 down 80 cents
Silver $4.58 unchanged

The United States has made it clear the past couple of
weeks that the G-10 central banking community is going
to maintain stability in the financial markets.

It could not be more obvious that they are doing just

Influential analyst, Andy Smith, sees gold at $340 soon

Section: Daily Dispatches

11:54p ET Monday, September 24, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

There will be a special focus on gold at the fall dinner
meeting of the Committee for Monetary Research and
Education Inc. on Wednesday, October 24, in New York.

Among the speakers will be John C. Hathaway, managing
director and senior portfolio manager of the Tocqueville
Funds, whose commentary on gold is always followed

Gotcha, Gold Cartel, gotcha!

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Thom Calandra
September 27, 2001
a href=;guid=http://www.mar...

NEW YORK (CBS.MW) -- Andy Smith, a veteran London-based
metals analyst, sees the price of gold hitting $340 an
ounce in the next several months.

Focus on gold at fall dinner of Committee for Monetary Research and Education

Section: Daily Dispatches

By David Bogoslaw
Dow Jones Newswires
September 21, 2001

NEW YORK -- While the price of gold has disappointed
some traders by not rising further on the financial and
political uncertainty arising from last week's terrorist
attacks, physical demand for bullion coins has
skyrocketed in recent days.

quot;Retail demand is through the roof,quot; Frank McGhee, a
dealer at Alliance Financial LLC in Chicago, said.

Demand for gold coins rises dramatically

Section: Daily Dispatches


By Bill Murphy
September 20, 2001

What a great speech tonight by President Bush!

I received a call from Europe this morning from someone
involved in the gold physical market. If you want to
buy 100 ounces of gold, the price is $300 to $303. The
spreads between bid and asked were $20 yesterday, $12

CBSMarketWatch commentary cites GATA and lawsuit

Section: Daily Dispatches

9:45p ET Wednesday, September 19, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Reg Howe of has filed a quot;Plaintiff's
Motion for Leave to File Second Affidavitquot; in U.S. District
Court in Boston in his lawsuit against the gold cartel.

The motion can be read here:

a href=

''Midas'' commentary for September 20, 2001

Section: Daily Dispatches

11p ET Thursday, September 20, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Thom Calandra's commentary today at
dealt at length, toward the end, with gold, GATA, and Reg
Howe's lawsuit against the gold cabal. It's below.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *

By Thom Calandra
September 20, 2001

SAN FRANCISCO -- It's the rare American investor who is

HSBC analyst acknowledges bank conspiracy to suppress gold price

Section: Daily Dispatches


By Bill Murphy
September 18, 2001

Gold $286.50 down 95 cents
Silver $4.43 up 6 cents

The drama behind the scenes in the gold market has
never been more intense. The reckless behavior of the
Gold Cartel to continue to suppress the price of gold,
after the world completely changed a week ago, is not

New motion filed by Reg Howe in lawsuit against gold cabal

Section: Daily Dispatches

5p ET Wednesday, September 19, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

You may be interested in's interview
with Rob Edwards, an analyst with HSBC, wherein it seems
acknowledged that there is a conspiracy among central
banks to suppress the gold price. One has to wonder when
someone is going to start calling Edwards a nut. Here's the
relevant excerpt:

quot;ROB EDWARDS: I'm being a bit bearish, but gold is definitely
