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Daily Dispatches
Metals correction remarkable for shallowness, Embry tells King World News
Submitted by cpowell on Sun, 2011-02-13 09:54 Section: Daily Dispatches9:50a ET Sunday, February 13, 2011
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):
U.S. silver term structure inverts as supply tightens
Submitted by cpowell on Sun, 2011-02-13 09:48 Section: Daily DispatchesBy Frank Tang
Friday, February 11, 2011
NEW YORK -- The tightest physical silver supplies in four years have tipped the U.S. silver futures market into backwardation this week, making near-term prices more expensive than more distant months.
Alasdair Macleod discusses gold and silver with James Turk
Submitted by cpowell on Sat, 2011-02-12 20:28 Section: Daily Dispatches8:30p Saturday, February 12, 2011
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):
James Turk: Watch the gold/silver ratio
Submitted by cpowell on Sat, 2011-02-12 19:23 Section: Daily Dispatches7:19p ET Saturday, February 12, 2011
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):
Weekly precious metals review at King World News
Submitted by cpowell on Sat, 2011-02-12 19:13 Section: Daily Dispatches7:13p Saturday, February 12, 2011
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):
Ron Paul wins presidential poll at conservative conference
Submitted by cpowell on Sat, 2011-02-12 18:56 Section: Daily DispatchesFrom The Associated Press
via Yahoo News
Saturday, February 12, 2011
WASHINGTON -- Texas congressman Ron Paul won the straw poll at the Conservative Political Action Conference for the second straight year Saturday and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney finished second.
Join GATA next weekend at the Phoenix conference
Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2011-02-11 22:29 Section: Daily Dispatches10:29p ET Friday, February 11, 2011
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):
With so much of North America frozen solid, there may not be a more prospective place than the Phoenix Resource Investment Conference and Silver Summit next Friday and Saturday, February 18 and 19.
More Fed secrets: Bernanke's 2009 interview withheld by crisis panel
Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2011-02-11 22:04 Section: Daily DispatchesBernanke's 2009 Interview Withheld by Crisis Panel
By Joshua Zumbrun and Scott Lanman
Bloomberg News
Friday, February 11, 2011
New York Sun: The fiat kilogram
Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2011-02-11 21:50 Section: Daily Dispatches9:46p ET Friday, February 11, 2011
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
If the dollar can float, The New York Sun asks in an editorial today, why not the kilogram as well? Both are supposed to be measures, but without constancy the dollar is really no measure at all. The Sun's editorial is headlined "The Fiat Kilogram" and you can find it here:
Possible shift from paper gold to real sneaks into bottom of FT story
Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2011-02-11 17:22 Section: Daily DispatchesGold ETF Outflows and Shifts in Investor Sentiment
By Chris Flood
Financial Times, London
Friday, February 11, 2011
Large outflows from precious metals exchange traded funds since the start of the year have left some analysts questioning if investor sentiment towards gold and silver could be shifting.