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Daily Dispatches
Ralph Benko: Gold, the states, and federal monetary policy
Submitted by cpowell on Tue, 2011-02-22 16:17 Section: Daily Dispatches4:17p ET Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):
Ralph Benko of the American Principles Project recounts some fascinating history of the U.S. Constitutional Convention, whose members really didn't want anything but gold and silver to be money. Benko's commentary is headlined "Gold, the States, and Federal Monetary Policy" and you can find it at CNBC here:
Mine production can't avert silver squeeze, Embry tells King World News
Submitted by cpowell on Tue, 2011-02-22 16:02 Section: Daily Dispatches4p ET Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):
The short squeeze in silver can't be averted by mine production as the metal increasingly is targeted as a monetary asset, Sprott Asset Management's John Embry tells King World news today. Excerpts from the interview can be found at the King World News blog here:
Paper gold and silver markets are 'nonsense,' Hathaway tells King World News
Submitted by cpowell on Mon, 2011-02-21 19:41 Section: Daily Dispatches7:30p ET Monday, February 21, 2011
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):
John Hathaway, manager of the Tocqueville Gold Fund, today tells King World News that the paper markets for gold and silver are "nonsense" and a short squeeze seems to be developing. You can find excerpts from the interview at the King World News blog here:
GoldMoney's James Turk interviews GATA's secretary/treasurer
Submitted by cpowell on Mon, 2011-02-21 11:17 Section: Daily Dispatches9:15a MT Monday, February 21, 2011
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Turk marvels at silver backwardation in interview with King World News
Submitted by cpowell on Mon, 2011-02-21 08:59 Section: Daily Dispatches6:55a MT Monday, February 21, 2011
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):
Zero Hedge notes GATA's partial victory over the Fed
Submitted by cpowell on Sun, 2011-02-20 19:57 Section: Daily Dispatches5:52p MT Sunday, February 20, 2011
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Weekly precious metals review at King World News
Submitted by cpowell on Sat, 2011-02-19 11:35 Section: Daily Dispatches9:33a MT Saturday, February 19, 2011
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):
'Fisher' at G-10 gold meeting was likely NY Fed's market rigger Peter Fisher
Submitted by cpowell on Sat, 2011-02-19 04:05 Section: Daily Dispatches2a MT Saturday, February 19, 2011
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Comex gold, silver margins raised 50%; and Wash. state might fingerprint gold buyers
Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2011-02-18 23:03 Section: Daily Dispatches9p MT Friday, February 18, 2011
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):
G-10 minutes from 1997 show central bankers conspiring about gold
Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2011-02-18 19:30 Section: Daily Dispatches3:43p MT Friday, February 18, 2011
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):