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Section: Daily Dispatches

8:44a ICT Thursday, May 9, 2024

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver and other metals):

Mining company shares are taking off as governments are issuing infinite money and incurring infinite debt, and Thom Calandra of The Calandra Report (at is connecting with newly subscribed GATA supporters and sharing with them his insights about producing gold and silver mines and gold and silver explorers in the Yukon, Quebec, Nevada, Mexico, Ghana, and elsewhere. 

Brien Lundin: Gold stocks aren't really so stuck in the mud

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Brien Lundin
Gold Newsletter / Golden Opportunities
Metairie, Louisiana
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The question I got more than any other at the recent Deutsche Goldmesse conference in Frankfurt was: Why haven't gold stocks responded to gold’s big run higher?

I had two answers for them:

1) The rally in gold had been so quick and dramatic that it took everyone by surprise. Investors felt they'd been left behind, and were waiting for a pull-back to get into the mining equities. 

Gold bars sell fast in South Korea's convenience stores and vending machines

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Lee Ying Shan
CNBC, New York
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Aside from ramen and sausages, South Korea's convenience stores have a new popular item on the menu -- gold bars. 

The country's largest convenience store chain, CU, has been collaborating with the Korea Minting and Security Printing Corp. to offer customers mini gold bars -- and they're selling like hotcakes.

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Fed's revolving door spins again as Kaplan returns to Goldman Sachs

Section: Daily Dispatches

Goldman Sachs Names Former Dallas Fed Chief Kaplan as Vice Chairman

By Saeed Azhar
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

NEW YORK -- Goldman Sachs said today it had appointed Robert Kaplan, the former president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, as its vice chairman, adding an influential former policymaker and Goldman alumni to its management committee.

Kaplan will give strategic advice to the Wall Street giant's clients globally, working closely with its teams across global banking and markets, and asset and wealth management, the bank said in a statement.

Jan Nieuwenhuijs: Why we are at the start of a multi-year gold bull market

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Jan Nieuwenhuijs
Gainesville Coins, Lutz, Florida
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Recently the dollar gold price aggressively broke a multi-year resistance level on the back of escalating wars, worrying asset bubbles, and sticky inflation. Long-term indicators show gold is undervalued under these circumstances and can easily double in price over the coming years.

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China's gold buying slows as reserves grow for 18th straight month

Section: Daily Dispatches

At least the gold buying slowed if you believe official data, as Bloomberg News usually does

* * *

By Sybilla Gross and Jack Ryan
Bloomberg News
via Yahoo Finance, Sunnyvale, California
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

China's central bank topped up its gold reserves for an 18th straight month in April, although the pace of buying slowed in the face of record prices.

China's gold-buying spree could be the straw that breaks the dollar's back

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Julian Jessop
The Telegraph, London
Sunday, May 5, 2024

Some commentators have spent decades predicting the imminent demise of the U.S. dollar's special status as the world's international reserve currency.

Eventually they will be right, and that day may be drawing much closer. As usual, China could hold the key.

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International trade will keep requiring more gold, Maguire tells LFTV

Section: Daily Dispatches

10:36a ICT Sunday, May 5, 2024

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Nations retreating from the U.S. dollar, especially those aligned with the BRICS group, will continue to require more gold for their international trade, London metals trader Andrew Maguire says in this week's "Live from the Vault" program from Kinesis Money.

Help GATA and make money by subscribing to The Calandra Report

Section: Daily Dispatches

10:30a ICT Sunday, May 5, 2024

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver and other metals):

Mining company shares are taking off as governments are issuing infinite money and incurring infinite debt, and Thom Calandra of The Calandra Report (at is connecting with newly subscribed GATA supporters and sharing with them his insights about producing gold and silver mines and gold and silver explorers in the Yukon, Quebec, Nevada, Mexico, Ghana, and elsewhere. 

Trump blames strong dollar for U.S. economy 'going to hell'

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Chris Matthews
MarketWatch, New York
Friday, May 3, 2024

Donald Trump took aim at the Biden administration's management of the U.S. dollar in a recent interview, once again raising the possibility that, in a second term, he would push policies to weaken the American currency to boost exports.

"Our economy is going to hell. You have to see what's going to happen with the way with the outflow of jobs, with the dollar the way it's situated," he said in a Thursday interview with the local Fox affiliate in Detroit.

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