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Daily Dispatches

In Maduro's Venezuela, even counting gold bars is a challenge

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Laura Millan Lombrana
Bloomberg News
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Venezuela is home to rich gold deposits and holds billions of dollars of foreign reserves in gold bars in the central bank's vaults. The question is: How much is there?

Don't deal in Venezuelan gold, White House says in anti-Maduro push

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Shaylim Castro and Jeff Mason
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

CARACAS, Venezuela -- The White House warned traders on Wednesday not to deal in Venezuelan gold or oil following its imposition of stiff sanctions aimed at forcing socialist President Nicolas Maduro from power.

West Virginia state legislator proposes eliminating all taxes on gold and silver

Section: Daily Dispatches

By JP Cortez
Money Metals News Service
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

CHARLESTON, West Virginia -- West Virginia legislator Delegate Pat McGeehan, R-1st District has introduced the West Virginia Sound Money Act, House Bill 2684, to eliminate all tax liability on gold and silver in the state.

Financial letter writer Jay Taylor interviews GATA secretary on gold price rigging

Section: Daily Dispatches

2:50p ET Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Financial letter writer Jay Taylor (, long a friend of gold and GATA, interviewed your secretary/treasurer yesterday about the mechanics and objectives of gold price suppression by central banks. The interview is 21 minutes long and can be heard at YouTube here:

Fed caves on rates and balance-sheet tightening

Section: Daily Dispatches

Chairman Powell's grandfather Dick responds on behalf of monetary metals investors:


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Fed Adopts 'Patient' Rate Stance With Balance-Sheet Flexibility

By Craig Torres
Bloomberg News
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Russia warns world that U.S. controls Bank of England

Section: Daily Dispatches

Refusal to Hand Over Venezuelan Gold Means End of Britain as a Financial Center, Professor Says

From Russia Today, Moscow
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The freezing of Venezuelan gold by the Bank of England is a signal to all countries out of step with U.S. interests to withdraw their money, according to economist and co-founder of Democracy at Work, Professor Richard Wolff.

New York Sun: Gold standard accompanied boom era's high marginal tax rates

Section: Daily Dispatches

A GOP-Democrat Deal for the Coming Campaign

From The New York Sun
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Hamas calls on supporters to donate in Bitcoin

Section: Daily Dispatches

As if nefarious operations don't use as currency nearly anything of value that can be exchanged, including the U.S. dollar, the euro, the yen, and diamonds.

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Hamas Calls on Supporters to Donate to Group in Bitcoin

By Michael Arnold and and Saud Abu Ramadan
Bloomberg News
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Casey no longer seems sure about government's indifference toward gold

Section: Daily Dispatches

11:03a ET Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

For years Casey Research founder Doug Casey has been saying central banks couldn't care less about gold and don't manipulate the gold market.

Is Russia taking custody of 20 tonnes of ally Venezuela's gold?

Section: Daily Dispatches

Venezuela Has 20 Tons of Gold Ready to Ship, Address Unknown

By Patricia Laya and Andrew Rosati
Bloomberg News
Tuesday, January 30, 2019

Venezuelan lawmaker Jose Guerra dropped a bombshell on Twitter today: The Russian Boeing 777 that had landed in Caracas the day before was there to spirit away 20 tons of gold from the vaults of the country's central bank.
