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Daily Dispatches

Financial Times story cites GATA lawsuit

Section: Daily Dispatches

11:32p ET Saturday, May 5, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Here is the press release GATA has issued in Africa about
next week's GATA African Gold Summit.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *

May 4, 2001

African Gold Summit (Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee)

Delegates representing mining companies in South Africa
(Harmony, Gold Fields, Durban Roodepoort Deep) as well

Miners must come to realize their product is money, not jewelery

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Adam Hamilton
May 4, 2001
a href=http://www.zealllc.com

While the gold price appears to be calm and placid,
powerful forces war behind the scenes in a life-or-
death struggle to shape the gold market of the new

The world gold markets are embroiled in a raging gold
information war. The stakes are stupendously high, as
the state of the gold market and the price of gold do

Press release for GATA African Gold Summit

Section: Daily Dispatches

12:49p ET Saturday, May 5, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

There's a fine essay at Gold-Eagle by Steve Saville, writing
from Hong Kong, that concludes with a point GATA has been
making for a couple of years now, and so I can't resist
thrusting it on you:

quot;The gold mining industry needs to wake up and
realise that its product is money, not an industrial
commodity. The more the miners and the World

If ECB won''t join inflation party, even gold could win out

Section: Daily Dispatches

9:52p ET Thursday, May 3, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Three short items of interest....

1) GATA egroup members with America Online email
addresses seem not to have received some of our most
recent dispatches. I don't know if AOL is registering
our dispatches as junk mail and filtering them out,
or if something else is wrong. I'll be looking into
this. But all GATA dispatches are archived immediately

A preview of the GATA African Gold Summit

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Sean Corrigan
May 3, 2001

The German press carries stories about the sharp
erosion in PC and hand-held phone demand. Taiwan's chip
fabs issue a dark outlook. Another US Telco heads for
Chapter 11 with $2.68 billion in debts. Businesses in
Singapore revise down their outlook and the woes of
their counterparts in Malaysia were partly responsible
for a sharp fall in that country's exports. Networker

Thom Calandra column cites GATA''s Durban conference

Section: Daily Dispatches

9:46p ET Tuesday, May 1, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

By way of explanation, let me share with you a rebuke GATA
received today for publicizing the special offers made to GATA
supporters by precious metals dealers who themselves support
GATA, and my reply.

* * *


Please stop embarrassing yourselves and cheapening your
cause by pandering to these commercial interests.

Prospects strengthen for GATA African Gold Conference next week

Section: Daily Dispatches

Where there's gold, there's fire:
Just above multi-year low,
is it ready for bounce?

By Thom Calandra
May 2, 2001

LONDON (FTMW) -- Some professional investors are
questioning the traditional belief that gold -- and gold
mining shares -- can rise only as the U.S. dollar
declines or as inflation accelerates.

John Hathaway, who manages the $20 million Tocqueville
Gold Fund from New York City, says quot;a protracted bear

More special offers for GATA supporters, and why we promote them

Section: Daily Dispatches

JOHANNESBURG AngloGold chairman Bobby Godsell has raised
the prospect of reducing the size of his company's hedge
book in line with falling debt levels. Speaking on Moneyweb's
quot;Classic Business,quot; a radio business programme aired in South
Africa, Godsell said the company's hedge book could be
slimmed down: quot;As our debt came down, the imperative to hedge
could well decrease,quot; he said.

More special offers for GATA supporters, and why we promote them

Section: Daily Dispatches

9:44p ET Sunday, April 29, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Here's another special offer for GATA supporters interested
in purchasing coins and precious metals.

Ed Lee is a highly recommended dealer who has been selling
coins and precious metals since 1958 and is located in sales
tax-free New Hampshire. He is bonded for $500,000 to ensure
delivery and is willing to supply GATA supporters with 1-ounce

AngloGold could reduce hedging as debt falls

Section: Daily Dispatches

9:46p ET Tuesday, May 1, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

By way of explanation, let me share with you a rebuke GATA
received today for publicizing the special offers made to GATA
supporters by precious metals dealers who themselves support
GATA, and my reply.

* * *


Please stop embarrassing yourselves and cheapening your
cause by pandering to these commercial interests.
