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Daily Dispatches

Au Capital''s take on the world economy and gold

Section: Daily Dispatches

8:20p ET Wednesday, February 13, 2002

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

The Internet site for C-SPAN says that
C-SPAN2 will broadcast Tuesday's
GATA conference in Washington at 4 a.m.
Thursday, February 14, 7 1/2 hours from
now. Here's the schedule's link:

a href=

C-SPAN tapes GATA conference for Washington press

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Michael Wallace
Business Week Online
a href=http://www.businessweek.com

Has gold regained its long-term luster?

It took a beating in the '90s, but a host of
uncertainties has sent prices soaring as anxious
investors seek refuge in the precious metal .

The price of gold has been on a tear recently,
surging $25, to $305 per ounce, as investors seek

Help us alert the press to a chance to see GATA''s Washington conference

Section: Daily Dispatches

3:11p ET Tuesday, February 12, 2002

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

GATA's press conference at the National Press Club has
just concluded. It not only went well -- more about that later
-- but the public affairs television network C-SPAN attended
and videotaped it. At this hour it's not clear whether or when
C-SPAN will broadcast it, but C-SPAN's Internet site,, should show the network's programming

British Treasury blows

Section: Daily Dispatches

All That Glitters Is Not Gold
By Kelly Patricia O'Meara
Insight Magazine
March 4, 2002, edition
Posted February 8, 2002
a href=

Even though Enron employees and the company's
accounting firm, Arthur Andersen, have destroyed
mountains of documents, enough information

Getting ready for GATA''s next expedition to Washington

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Faisal Islam, Economics Correspondent
The Observer, London
Sunday, February 10, 2002
a href=

The surge in the price of gold could leave the
Treasury's two year sell-off of its reserves, which
ends next month, nursing a loss of hundreds of
millions of pounds. The sell-off caused a storm
of public protest when it began in 1999.

Business Week sounds bullish about gold

Section: Daily Dispatches

10p ET Sunday, February 10, 2002

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

I have arrived in Washington a day early to work the
phones tomorrow regarding GATA's luncheon at the
National Press Club on Tuesday. We might as well
go all-out, especially after the wonderful article about
GATA in Insight Magazine by Kelly O'Meara. As
Insight is part of the Washington Times organization,
the GATA story will be all over Washington next

GATA supporters in Washington area invited to Lincoln Day conference

Section: Daily Dispatches

Thursday, February 7, 2002

Hi, Chris:

I'm a currency strategist and have read a lot about GATA.
I would like to know what you think would happen in the
short term (this year) if gold spot clips $320. In simple
terms, do you think banks would start to default in large?
This will have a huge impact on spot forex medium-term
strategy. Most of us are already short yen on the
potential of bank default.

Gold''s floodgates are open, CBSMarketWatch''s Calandra says

Section: Daily Dispatches

12:24p ET Saturday, February 9, 2002

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

GATA Chairman Bill Murphy today issued
the following statement. Part of it is for
GATA supporters, and part of it is for
subscribers to his proprietary Internet site, I'm just going
to pass the whole thing on to you, figuring
that the latter part well might be of
interest anyway ... and that people can

Insight magazine examines the gold price suppression scheme

Section: Daily Dispatches

Gold's floodgates open, finally
Above $300, metal's rally to spark mania, some say

By Thom Calandra
Saturday, February 9, 2002

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) -- Adrian Day, a Maryland
money manager who has specialized in gold mining
companies for 30 years, swore to himself years ago he
would bite his tongue if he ever caught himself saying,
quot;This time it's different.quot;

A speculation on what happens if gold reaches $320

Section: Daily Dispatches

9:43p ET Thursday, February 7, 2002

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Here's another piece of financial commentary
examining J.P. Morgan Chase's gold derivatives
for which we can thank Reg Howe's trailblazing

a href=

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
