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Daily Dispatches

Barrick strives to limit access to sensitive documents in Blanchard lawsuit

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Peter Klinger
The Times, London
Tuesday, April 13, 2004,,9072-1072621,00.html

Gold fever is gripping the City, but instead of drill rigs
heading for Kalgoorlie or Anchorage, the new destination
is far-eastern Russia. Two AIM-listed stocks, Highland
Gold Mining and Peter Hambro Mining (PHM), are already

Does Rothschild know something?

Section: Daily Dispatches

U.S. coin dealer continues suit against Barrick
despite court decision to seal some documents

By Drew Hasselback
National Post/Financial Post, Toronto
Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Blanchard and Co., a U.S. coin dealer that accuses
Barrick Gold Corp. of manipulating the price of gold,
will proceed with its lawsuit in U.S. federal court
despite losing a motion on discovery rules.

Blanchard is suing Barrick and J.P. Morgan Chase

Sprott''s Embry to appear on ROB-TV''s ''Market Call'' Thursday

Section: Daily Dispatches

For 200 years it has been the firm's
business to know....

* * *

Rothschild to pull out of gold market

By Charles Pretzlik
Financial Times
Wednesday, April 14, 2004

N.M. Rothschild, the investment bank, is to withdraw from

MineWeb and Sinclair comment on Tuesday''s fall in gold

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Maria Golvnina
Reuters via The Moscow Times
Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Miners are competing for a Siberian field believed to
contain 1,000 tons of gold.

Western gold explorers may have learned a lot about
doing business in Russia after a flurry of deals in this

Ted Butler: The Relative Value of Silver

Section: Daily Dispatches

5:25p ET Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

There's early commentary at MineWeb on today's fall in
the gold price:

As always, Jim Sinclair has some interesting and
timely things to say as well:

The British rush for Russian gold

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Theodore Butler
April 13, 2004

As I was preparing this article, the gold and silver
markets moved dramatically down. No one should be terribly
surprised. The important point is that the dealers
succeeded in tricking the brain-dead tech funds again.

There is something I must say about today's dramatic
price decline. Kodak and the users didn't use less
silver than normal. The miners didn't produce more

Gold rush lures Western miners to Russia; Chinese demand for gold said strong

Section: Daily Dispatches

Schroeder Government Is Reported to Want
Even More Freedom to Spend Gold Reserves

By John Fraher
Bloomberg News Service
Sunday, April 11, 2004

FRANKFURT, Germany -- Hans Welteke, son of Bundesbank
President Ernst Welteke, said his father clashed with German

Harmony, South African mineworkers union sound conciliatory

Section: Daily Dispatches

9:34p ET Saturday, April 10, 2004

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

The Financial Post's interview today with John Ing, chief
of Toronto investment house Maison Placements, appended
here, echoes what you've been hearing from GATA and its
consultants and friends, like GoldMoney's James Turk and
Sprott Asset Management's John Embry, for a long time now.
The nice thing is that these points are starting to reach

David Bond interviews Hecla CEO; Jason Hommel updates silver stock valuations

Section: Daily Dispatches

Confident that job losses can be minimized

By Hilton Stone
Sunday Times, South Africa
Sunday, April 11, 2004

The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) and Harmony
Gold are confident they will find a way to avoid widespread
job losses at the country's third-biggest gold producer.

Argument about Germany''s gold is said to have preceded Welteke''s leave

Section: Daily Dispatches

12:34p ET Sunday, April 11, 2004

David Bond's latest Wallace Street Journal column is
an interview with Hecla CEO Phillips S. Baker, who
says, among other things, that Hecla has been assured
that it will recover the gold recently seized by the
Venezuelan government and that Hecla won't be hedging
its gold and silver production. You can find Bond's
interview at his Internet site here:
