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Daily Dispatches

Golden Star wins delay in Iamgold vote; Wheaton approves merger with Iamgold

Section: Daily Dispatches

1:08p ET Tuesday, June 8, 2004

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Silver market analyst Ted Butler's new commentary,
posted at Investment Rarities, credits New York
Attorney General Eliot Spitzer for a big change
in the silver market:

And Richard Russell's new commentary, posted

Greenspan growls a little about inflation

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Myra P. Saefong
Tuesday, June 8, 2004

Golden Star said Tuesday that a court has granted its
request to postpone Iamgold's vote on a merger
agreement with Wheaton River Minerals, allowing

CFTC official who answered silver market manipulation complaints resigns

Section: Daily Dispatches

Fed Says It Will Act as Need on Inflation

By Tim Ahmann
Tuesday, June 8, 2004;jsessionid=215SD3WZQNLW0CRBAE

WASHINGTON -- The Federal Reserve will do "what is
required" to keep inflation in check if the forecast

Why would anyone want to suppress the price of silver?

Section: Daily Dispatches

9:22p ET Tuesday, June 8, 2004

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

No sooner had this official of the U.S. Commodity
Futures Trading Commission been compelled by
Ted Butler's agitation to respond to hundreds of
complaints about manipulation of the silver
market than he resigns for a private-sector job.

Makes you wonder if maybe he didn't like what
he just had to do in denying any possibility that

Oh, Canada! Barrick wins $125,000 libel award against homeless man

Section: Daily Dispatches

9:04p ET Sunday, June 6, 2004

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Jason Hommell is back from the New York gold show and
reports in his new silver share valuation commentary
that three silver mining companies have joined Silver
Standard Resources in holding some of their cash
balances in metal: Sterling Mining, which took over
the Sunshine Mining property in Idaho; Nevada Pacific
Gold; and Endeavour Gold.

Gold show suggests a bottom; and is Fed putting money into mortgage agencies?

Section: Daily Dispatches

The company may need it for its defense in
the Blanchard case!

* * * *

Gold Firm Libelled on Web Sites, Court Rules

By Tracey Tyler
Toronto Star
Saturday, June 5, 2004

In a decision legal experts say will "scare the hell"
out of Internet users and set back free speech, the
Ontario Court of Appeal has ordered a homeless
Vancouver man to pay $125,000 in damages for
libelling a gold mining corporation on several Web

James Turk: The week ends badly for the dollar

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Becky Kramer
Spokane Spokesman-Review, Washington
Wednesday, June 2, 2004

Mark J. Lundeen says he's not a believer in conspiracies,
but the Minneapolis investor does admit to suspicions
about the price of silver.

In 1994, the retired Navy man began buying up mining

Jason Hommell: Three more silver miners hold cash in metal

Section: Daily Dispatches

1:43p ET Sunday, June 6, 2004

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

GoldMoney proprietor James Turk, editor of the
Freemarket Gold & Money Report and consultant
to GATA, has updated his U.S. dollar charts and
produced new commentary, "The Week Ends
Badly for the Dollar." He forecasts a continued

You can find Turk's analysis in the "Founder's
Commentary" box at the top left of the GoldMoney

Malaysia''s ex-PM calls for gold-based trading currency for East Asia

Section: Daily Dispatches

9:25p ET Thursday, June 3, 2004

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

MineWeb's Tim Wood and Dorothy Kosich have filed at
least six reports from the New York Institutional
Gold Conference, including an especially interesting
one about the attempt of Golden Star Resources and
Couer d'Alene to break up the IAMGold/Wheaton River
merger. You can find these reports on the MineWeb
home page here:

Spokane Spokesman-Review takes note of the silver price suppression issue

Section: Daily Dispatches

The Star, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Thursday, June 3, 2004

TOKYO -- Japan should stop trying to prop up the U.S.
dollar and instead make the yen the trading currency
of East Asia, said Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.

While noting that it was understandable for Japan to
