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Daily Dispatches

James Turk: Last week didn''t take dollar out of its 3-year decline

Section: Daily Dispatches

Gold Is Up to its Old Tricks;
Expect a Rally in Battered Gold Shares

By John Brimelow
Monday, July 26, 2004

NEW YORK -- Gold is below $400 again. It won't last.

Twice this year I have written on gold, making the

Don''t think of gold as down but rather as vindicated

Section: Daily Dispatches

8:50a ET Monday, July 26, 2004

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

James Turk, founder of, editor of
the Freemarket Gold & Money Report, and
consultant to GATA, has updated his chart of
the U.S. dollar index and finds that the dollar
remains firmly within the downward channel it has
inhabited for three years. He concludes:

"Nothing good has happened to suggest that the

This is the future the Federal Reserve is planning for gold

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Andrew Davis
Bloomberg News Service
Wednesday, July 21, 2004

ROME -- Parmalat Finanziaria SpA's main banks such
as Citigroup Inc. and UBS AG allowed the bankrupt
Italian foodmaker to hide the true state of its
finances for more than a decade, according to a

David Morgan of interviewed by

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Roshiela Moonsamy
Cape Argus, Cape Town, South Africa
Wednesday, July 21, 2004

A woman paid thousands of rands for one hour's
parking -- with a single coin in the meter.

The 55-year-old inadvertently dropped a century-old
gold Kruger sovereign she reckons could be worth

China''s Minmetals cinches bid for Noranda, Brazilian paper says

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Ted Butler
Monday, July 19, 2004

The market structure, as depicted by the Commitments
of Traders Report (COT), deteriorated more sharply than
I expected in gold, copper, and silver. The latest COTs,
as of the close of business July 13, indicated a notable
increase in the dealers' net short position. Extrapolating
from the report's cutoff date, there was further tech fund
buying and dealer short selling since then. My guess is

China''s hunger for raw materials is seen in acquisition of Noranda

Section: Daily Dispatches

RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil, July 21 (Reuters) -- Brazil's Cia
Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD) lost out to China's Minmetals
in a battle to buy Canadian miner Noranda Inc, local
business daily Valor Economico said on Wednesday.

Valor quoted unnamed sources following the negotiations

Randgold says it might consider Iamgold deal but Gold Fields won''t

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Peter Blackburn and Nicole Mordant
Wednesday, July 21, 1004

Nonferrous Metals Co. has beaten Brazil's Cia Vale do
Rio Doce in the battle to buy Noranda Inc., a Brazilian
newspaper said on Wednesday, adding more grist to a

At J.P. Morgan Chase, fraud claims are just ordinary business expenses

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Ben Harding
Wednesday July 21, 2004

JOHANNESBURG -- African gold producer Randgold
Resources said Wednesday it might consider a tie-up
with Canada's Iamgold Corp., but South Africa's Gold
Fields quashed rumours it was in the hunt.

Prosecution report says Citigroup, other banks assisted Parmalat fraud

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Justin Baer
Bloomberg News Service
Wednesday, July 21, 2004

J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., the second- biggest U.S.
bank, had a quarterly loss after setting aside $2.3
billion to help settle lawsuits stemming from its role
in the collapse of companies such as Enron Corp.

Manipulation of gold price amid Greenspan testimony is taken for granted now

Section: Daily Dispatches

Wheaton River sells silver production
for over C$262M, creates Silver Wheaton

By Nancy Carr
Canadian Press
Thursday, July 15, 2004

TORONTO -- Wheaton River Minerals Ltd. is
selling all its silver production to a
