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Daily Dispatches

Someone else notices that the silver market is manipulated

Section: Daily Dispatches

Could a Few Hedge Funds Spoil the Party?

By Anna Bernasek
The New York Times
Sunday, July 3, 2005

When the Long Term Capital Management hedge fund was sinking in
1998, leaders of the Federal Reserve were worried. They feared that
if the fund failed, a major disruption could be set off in financial

Trial of Blanchard suit vs. Barrick postponed amid ''serious'' settlement talks

Section: Daily Dispatches

1:10a ET Monday, July 4, 2005

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

You'll want to read "Silver's Breakdown or Bear Trap?"
by Gene Arensberg, just posted at Resource Investor,
not so much for its technical analysis of the silver
price -- for those who believe that the precious
metals markets are manipulated, technical analysis is
no more helpful than astrology -- as for its
acknowledgement of that manipulation, as manifested

Are hedge funds out of control, threatening the financial system again?

Section: Daily Dispatches

11:10a ET Friday, July 1, 2005

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

John Hathaway, manager of the Tocqueville Gold
Fund, writes in a new study, "A Process of
Elimination: A Speculation on Gold and the
Credit Cycle," that circumstances are coming
together in gold's favor and that the
environment for gold will be best of all when
central banks have completely dishoarded their
price-manipulating stocks. You can find

John Hathaway: A speculation on gold and the credit cycle

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Theodore Butler
Tuesday, June 28, 2005

There has been much commentary recently concerning a prospective
silver exchange- traded fund (ETF), culminating with the announcement
that Barclays had filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission for permission to offer such a fund.

Make no mistake; this is big news for silver. And, in my opinion, it
will be only good news regardless of the actual final outcome.

Britain fines Citigroup for euro bond market rigging

Section: Daily Dispatches

10:56p ET Monday, June 27, 2005

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Peter Schiff, CEO and chief global strategist of Euro
Pacific Capital in Darien, Connecticut, has written a
great little essay about America's relationship with
China, "Theater of the Absurd," noting, in part:

"Short of a formal declaration of war, the single most
damaging thing that China could do to America is

Ted Butler: Silver ETF is great if it succeeds and just as great if it fails

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Carmel Crimmins and Alistair MacDonald
Tuesday, June 28, 2005;jsessionid=WMUP0ZVNSPPCYCRBAEO

LONDON -- Britain's Financial Services Authority said on Tuesday it
had fined the world's largest bank, Citigroup, 13.96 million pounds

More decline of dollar ''almost inevitable,'' BIS says

Section: Daily Dispatches

Investors Hope the Fed
Will Come to the Rescue

By E.S. Browning
The Wall Street Journal
Monday, June27,2005

As this week moves ahead, Wall Street could begin to resemble one of
those old E.F. Hutton brokerage-firm commercials: when the Fed
talks, people will listen.

By Thursday, when the Federal Reserve finishes its two-day meeting
on interest rates, traders and money managers could pause in their

Peter Brimelow: Is GLD as good as gold? GATA guys say no

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Steve Whitehouse
AFX News Ltd. via Forbes
Monday, June 27, 2005

BASEL, Switzerland -- The Bank for International Settlements said a
further decline in the dollar is "almost inevitable" as part of the
correction of global current account imbalances.

Gold is cheaper than ever relative to oil, Resource Investor reports

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Peter Brimelow
Monday, June 27, 2005

NEW YORK -- Gold grinds on -- but a new gold vehicle has the
newsletters quarrelling.

Bullion finished last week above $440, after exceptional volume,
reflecting an extraordinary clash between buyers and sellers.

Peter Schiff: America''s relationship with China is ''theater of the absurd''

Section: Daily Dispatches

10:32p ET Monday, June 27, 2005

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Resource Investor's Tim Wood reports tonight that
the gold/oil price ratio has reached a record
disproportion, with gold priced lower than ever
relative to oil. Wood declines to speculate on
causes for this, but in his debate May 23 with
GATA consultant James Turk in New York during
the gold show there, a transcript of which can be
