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Daily Dispatches

Craig Hemke at Sprott Money: Ahead of the Jackson Holedown

Section: Daily Dispatches

11:18p ET Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Gold's price prospects for the rest of the year, the TF Metals Report's Craig Hemke writes today at Sprott Money, likely depend on how Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell postures Friday at the Jackson Hole conference about whether the Fed will begin to reduce its monthly bond purchases.

Hemke's commentary is headlined "Ahead of the Jackson Holedown" and it's posted at Sprott Money here:

Gold has defeated the latest attack, Turk tells KWN

Section: Daily Dispatches

4p ET Monday, August 23, 2021

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

GoldMoney founder and GATA consultant James Turk tells King World News today that the recent "paper" attack on gold has failed, gold's price is rising again, and money creation and inflation will support it.

Turk's comments are headlined "Takedown Fails as Gold Snaps Back above $1,800 and Mining Stocks Soar 5%" and it's posted at KWN here:

The great New Orleans conference returns, and with a money-back guarantee

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Brien Lundin
Publisher, Gold Newsletter
CEO, New Orleans Investment Conference
Monday, August 23, 2021

This year’s New Orleans Investment Conference is coming up -- Tuesday through Friday, October 19-22 -- and you’ll kick yourself if you miss it.

Why? Because this is without a doubt the most valuable, important, rewarding -- and eagerly awaited --event in many years.

It will be the first big in-person event of its kind post-pandemic --a "welcome home" for hundreds of today's smartest and most active investors.

Pam and Russ Martens: 3 Fed bailout programs for Wall Street vanish from monthly reports to Congress

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Pam and Russ Martens
Wall Street on Parade
Monday, August 23, 2021

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell and Fed Vice Chairman for Supervision Randal Quarles would desperately like to make three of the Fed's emergency bailout programs to Wall Street disappear from further scrutiny by Congress or the American people. 

Resource-rich nations, the dumb slobs, think miners cheat them more than U.S. Fed and Treasury do

Section: Daily Dispatches

Resource Nationalism Sweeps Latin America's Top Mining Countries

By Cecilia Jamasmie, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Thursday, August 19, 2021

A move toward resource expropriation, tax and royalty increases, as well as demands for local participation in companies' ownership, all resource nationalism components, continues to increase, with Latin America taking centre stage, a new study shows.

U.S. military is leaving Afghanistan but the dollar still runs the country

Section: Daily Dispatches

The Taliban Got Rid of the U.S., But Not the Dollar

By Daniel Moss
Bloomberg News, New York
via The Washington Post
Friday, August 20, 2021

The Taliban may have swept Afghanistan, but they haven't yet conquered its financial system, big parts of which rest on support from outside the country. The United States  has a heavy hand in the multilateral organizations that dictate the flow of international aid upon which this shaky economy relies. Americans may be evacuating, but the dollar's influence will remain. 

'Goldfinger' 2021 plot twist could be villainous for banks

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Izabella Kaminska
Financial Times, London
Friday, August 20, 2021

In the plot to the 1964 James Bond classic, international gold smuggler Auric Goldfinger hatches a dastardly plan to enrich himself and his outsized gold holdings by setting off a Chinese-made atomic bomb at Fort Knox, the home of the U.S. gold reserve.

Former JPMorgan monetary metals traders must face racketeering charges, judge rules

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Jody Godoy
Wednesday, August 18, 2021

A federal judge in Chicago said this week four former JPMorgan Chase & Co. employees must face charges including racketeering in a case accusing them of manipulating the prices of precious metals futures.

U.S. District Judge Edmond Chang's ruling Tuesday paves the way for an Oct. 19 trial in the case, which is the U.S. Department of Justice's most aggressive attempt so far to police commodities spoofing, a tactic involving placing orders to move prices and quickly cancelling them.

The great New Orleans conference returns, and with a money-back guarantee

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Brien Lundin
Publisher, Gold Newsletter
CEO, New Orleans Investment Conference
Friday, August 20, 2021

This year’s New Orleans Investment Conference is coming up -- Tuesday through Friday, October 19-22 -- and you’ll kick yourself if you miss it.

Why? Because this is without a doubt the most valuable, important, rewarding -- and eagerly awaited --event in many years.

It will be the first big in-person event of its kind post-pandemic --a "welcome home" for hundreds of today's smartest and most active investors.

Ronan Manly: Afghanistan's gold at the NY Fed is 1,731 old bars, likely coin melt, and frozen before

Section: Daily Dispatches

5:20p ET Thursday, August 19, 2021

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Afghanistan's gold vaulted at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York consists of 1,731 very old bars that are most likely products of coin melt, not "good delivery" bars, deposited there in 1939 on the eve of World War II, Bullion Star researcher Ronan Manly reports today.
