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Daily Dispatches

Gulf states seen shifting away from U.S. assets

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Natsuko Waki
Thursday, January 25, 2007

LONDON -- Oil-rich Gulf Arab estates are seen shifting their assets away from the United States, and Qatar is keen on customer states including Asia and Europe as destinations, the country's financial regulator says.

Gold Fields closes Western Areas hedge book

Section: Daily Dispatches

Company Press Release
Thursday, January 25, 2007

JOHANNESBURG -- Gold Fields Limited is pleased to announce that the Western Areas hedge book has been terminated.

The hedge book was terminated at an average spot gold price of US$622.14/oz and a total cost of US$528 million.

Gold Fields inherited the Western Areas hedge book when it took control of Western Areas in December 2006. The hedge book had a maturity profile from December 2006 to December 2014 and consisted of options, with a delta of 1,005,000 gold ounces, and deferred premiums.

Doug Hornig: The gold price-fixing conspiracy

Section: Daily Dispatches

10:42a ET Thursday, January 25, 2007

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Doug Casey's International Speculator recently put reporter Doug Hornig to work on a story about GATA and the central bank campaign to suppress the price of gold. Today the story was posted at GoldSeek, and it seems to be the most comprehensive journalistic examination of the issue yet, for which GATA is profoundly grateful. It's titled "The Gold Price-Fixing Conspiracy" and you can find it here:

Gold Rush 21 DVD promotion posted at YouTube

Section: Daily Dispatches

11p ET Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

The 2-minute, 41-second video promoting sales of the DVD of GATA's Gold Rush 21 conference in Dawson City, Yukon Territory, Canada, in August 2005 has been posted at YouTube so that it can be more widely viewed and shared around the world. You can find it here:

The DVD can be purchased with a credit card at GATA's main Internet site,, and at

Fed economist proposes revaluing coins before they're melted down

Section: Daily Dispatches

Yes, we have no inflation,
We have no inflation today....

* * *

Coin Shortage Could Turn
Pennies Into Nickels

By Kevin Plumberg
Monday, January 22, 2007

NEW YORK -- Talk about pennies from heaven.

Kuwait may switch from dollar peg to currency basket

Section: Daily Dispatches

By John Fraher and Will McSheehy
Bloomberg News Service
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

DAVOS, Switzerland -- Kuwait, the third-largest Arab oil producer, may abandon the dinar's peg against the dollar in favor of a basket of currencies to help minimize losses from a weakening U.S. currency.

"We might go to a basket for an interim period," Bader al-Humaidhi, Kuwait's finance minister, told reporters at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, today. "The dollar fell a lot against the euro last year, but if we'd been linked to a basket we wouldn't have suffered" as much.

Another day, another currency manipulation -- or two

Section: Daily Dispatches

Drop in Hong Kong Dollar
Was 'Stage-Managed,' UBS Says

By Jake Lee
Bloomberg News Service
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

HONG KONG -- The Hong Kong dollar's drop to the lowest since 1991 was "stage-managed" to deter speculators from betting the city's 23-year old link to the U.S. dollar will end, said Jonathan Anderson, UBS AG's chief Asia economist.

Speaking of cancer, the world financial system has it

Section: Daily Dispatches

5:20p CT Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Dennis Gartman of The Gartman Letter, a speaker at the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference the other day and a guest at GATA's reception afterward, today asked in his newsletter why all the painstaking effort that has been put into the work of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee has not been put instead into humanitarian undertakings like curing cancer.

Gartman Letter patronizes GATA

Section: Daily Dispatches

7:36a ET Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

From today's edition of The Gartman Letter, whose editor, Dennis Gartman, graciously attended GATA's reception Monday evening at the conclusion of the Vancouver Resources Investment Conference:

".... We had the opportunity to meet with the folks from GATA whilst here, and as always we enjoyed the company of GATA's leader, Mr. Bill Murphy, who is and always has been a gentleman. We had the pleasure of talking with Mr. Chris Powell, the group's president (sic). Mr. Powell's heartfelt support for GATA [for those who don't know, GATA stands for the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee; GATA is convinced that the gold price has been manipulated downward by the likes of Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Citigroup, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the ECB, and even The Gartman Letter!] is more than evident. His ability to quote from legal documents to terse and deep to keep our attention is stunning. His knowledge of supposed market manipulations from years past is mind-numbing. His mastery of complex data has our admiration, but we cannot come away from such discussions without wondering what greater good might be affected for the world if this brainpower were put to other efforts. We stand in awe of the work these men have done, of the data they have collected, of the reading and research they have done, and we can only wonder what they might have accomplished if they had become doctors or medical researchers instead. Cancer might now be cured!"

Andy Mukherjee: Petrodollars will test Asia's dollar fixation

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Andy Mukherjee
Bloomberg News Service
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

SINGAPORE -- A glance at stock values suggests that lower energy prices are an unalloyed blessing for Asia. That may not be true.

Morgan Stanley Capital International's emerging-market equity index for Asia has risen 22 percent since oil began its descent in early August last year.
