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Daily Dispatches

Strains in $23 trillion U.S government debt market intensify as Fed tightens

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Kate Duguid
Financial Times, London
Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Investors' ability to trade US government debt has deteriorated to its lowest point since the ructions of March 2020, deepening worries about the world's most important bond market as the Federal Reserve tightens monetary policy.

Liquidity, or the ease of buying and selling, in U.S. government securities has dropped since the beginning of this year, reaching levels not seen since the first months of the coronavirus crisis, according to an index compiled by Bloomberg.

Japan to ban Russia-bound exports of gold, may adopt more sanctions

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Tetsushi Kajimoto and Daniel Leussink
Tuesday, March 29, 2022

TOKYO -- Japan will ban the shipment to Russia of precious metals, especially gold, in response to its invasion of Ukraine, the Ministry of Finance said on Tuesday.

The ban on Russia-bound precious metal reflects Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's resolve to impose further sanctions against the country, pledged at last week's meeting of leaders from the Group of Seven advanced nations.

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Ruble becomes best-performing currency in March, soars to 83 to the dollar

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Krishna Kant
Business Standard, New Delhi, India
Tuesday, March 29, 2022 

The ruble has recouped most of its losses and become the top-performing currency globally. It continues to gain and is up 6% against the U.S. dollar from its lows in the first week of March.

The ruble appreciated to 83 to the dollar intraday on Tuesday against a record low of 139 on March 7. 

All Russia's big exports could soon be in rubles, Kremlin signals

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Guy Faulconbridge
Wednesday, March 30, 2022

LONDON -- The Kremlin indicated today that all of Russia's energy and commodity exports could be priced in rubles, toughening President Vladimir Putin's attempt to make the West feel the pain of the sanctions it imposed for the invasion of Ukraine.

With Russia's economy facing its gravest crisis since the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, Putin on March 23 hit back at the West, ordering that Russian gas exports should be paid for in rubles.

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Craig Hemke at Sprott Money: Looking ahead to April

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Craig Hemke
TF Metals Report
via Sprott Money, Toronto
Tuesday, March 29, 2022

March has been a wild month for the Comex digital metals, and despite the war in Ukraine, this is not unusua.. But soon we'll turn our attention to April, and we'll wait to see if a renewed rally toward $2,000 gold is forthcoming.

Ted Butler: Another stunning OCC report shows something strange in silver

Section: Daily Dispatches

11:12p ET Monday, March 29, 2022

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

In analysis posted today at Goldseek, silver market analyst Ted Butler reports "stunning" changes in the monetary metals derivatives positions of U.S. banks as compiled by the U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.

Biden's trillion-dollar debt reduction barely dents U.S. debt

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Steven T. Dennis
Bloomberg News
Monday, March 28, 2022

President Joe Biden’s budget request highlights shrinking cumulative deficits by more than $1 trillion over the next decade, but that barely makes a dent in the government’s ballooning debt.

Biden’s 10-year outlook still would rack up $14.4 trillion in deficits -- most of it on autopilot -- even after accounting for that $1 trillion in net deficit cuts from new policies like tax increases on the wealthy and corporations.

... For the remainder of the report:

1839 gold medal of Revolutionary War general called 'shocking and important discovery'

Section: Daily Dispatches

From CBS News, New York
Monday, March 28, 2022

When numismatist John Kraljevich of Fort Mill, South Carolina opened a box containing a unique solid gold medal that an auction house asked him to authenticate, his jaw dropped.

"My reaction was somewhere along the lines of, holy (expletive)," Kraljevich said. "As soon as I laid my eyes on it, I knew what it was."

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Brett Arends: Russia just made a case for owning gold -- and nobody noticed

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Brett Arends
MarketWatch, New York
Monday, March 28, 2022

Here's a strong argument for adding some gold bullion to your retirement portfolio right now, alongside those stocks and bonds.

And it comes courtesy of Pavel Zavalny, the head of the Russian parliament.

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Buy metals at GoldMoney and enjoy international storage

Bullion groups launch gold bar database to thwart fraud

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Peter Hobson
Monday, March 28, 2022

LONDON -- Two gold industry associations are working with miners, refiners, traders, and shippers to create a database of gold bars in an effort to prevent trade in counterfeit metal and allow buyers of bullion to trace its origin, they said today.

The scheme aims to exclude gold linked to violence and crime from the mainstream market. Gold worth billions of dollars is mined each year in illegal conditions and large amounts are sold by groups including warlords and drug traffickers.
