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Robert Lambourne: BIS gold swaps rose in August but still lower than last year

Section: Documentation

By Robert Lambourne
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The July and August statements of account for the Bank for International Settlements indicate that the bank has continued to engage in gold swaps this summer. The BIS uses swaps and other gold derivatives to gain access to gold held by commercial banks.

JPMorgan inherited 'spoof' method from Bear Stearns and refined it, indictment says

Section: Documentation

A powerful vindication of silver market analyst and whistleblower Ted Butler, who long has said the racket began with JPMorganChase's acquisition of Bear Stearns.

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By Tom Schoenberg and David Voreacos
Bloomberg News
Monday, September 16, 2019

When JPMorgan Chase & Co. took over Bear Stearns more than a decade ago, it got two traders with a new trick.

JPMorgan's metals desk was 'criminal enterprise,' Justice Department says

Section: Documentation

Blythe Masters, here's a list of countries without extradition treaties with the United States:

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By Tom Schoenberg and David Voreacos
Bloomberg News
Monday, September 16, 2019

Morgan's metals desk chief, two others charged with market rigging

Section: Documentation

JPMorgan Traders Charged by U.S. With Rigging Metals Deals

By Tom Schoenberg
Bloomberg News
Monday, September 16, 2019

Two current and one former precious metals traders at JPMorgan Chase & Co. have been charged with manipulating futures markets in what prosecutors described as a massive, multiyear racketeering conspiracy run out of the bank.

Congressman keeps pressing Treasury, CFTC about gold market rigging

Section: Documentation

10:23a ET Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

U.S. Rep. Alex X. Mooney, R-West Virginia, is continuing his efforts to get answers from the U.S. Treasury Department, Federal Reserve, and Commodity Futures Trading Commission about surreptitious interventions by the U.S. government in the financial and commodity markets and particularly the gold and silver markets.

BIS' gold swaps rise slightly in June but are down sharply since last year

Section: Documentation

By Robert Lambourne
Saturday, July 13, 2019

The Bank for International Settlements' has just published its statement of account for June and it indicate that the bank is still actively trading gold swaps, which the bank uses to gain access to gold held by commercial banks. But recent activity appears to be much reduced from the second half of 2018.

BIS reduces its gold swaps by two-thirds over last two months

Section: Documentation

By Robert Lambourne
Friday, May 24, 2019
