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Daily Dispatches

For one New Jersey candidate, the issue is gold

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Jeff Mulvihill
Associated Press
via ABC News, New York
Sunday, September 28, 2014

New York Sun: Audit the New York Fed

Section: Daily Dispatches

11:30p ET Saturday, September 27, 2014

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Putin adviser suggests Russia knows all about West's gold price suppression

Section: Daily Dispatches

Note particularly the reference to standards for the issuers of reserve currencies.

* * *

The Threat of War and the Russian Response

By Sergey Glazyev
Russia in Global Affairs
Foreign Policy Research Foundation, Moscow
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Central banks don't need Barrick much if they secretly spend and repurchase their gold

Section: Daily Dispatches

11:28a ET Saturday, September 27, 2014

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Our friend D.K. writes:

Conspiracy fact: The European Central Bank Gold Agreement is renewed

Section: Daily Dispatches

10:11a ET Saturday, September 27, 2014

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Maguire tells KWN he expects a derivatives blowup in gold, silver by year-end

Section: Daily Dispatches

9:16a ET Saturday, September 27, 2014

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Cheapest way to buy Royal Mint gold? Not from the Royal Mint

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Richard Dyson
The Telegraph, London
Friday, September 26, 2014

For years the Royal Mint has sold collectible coins commemmorating special events direct to the public.

But "bullion" coins made for investment purposes -- such as Sovereigns, Britannias, or Lunars (introduced last year) -– have until now been available only through dealers.

Whoodathunkit: Secret tapes show New York Fed is the tool of the big banks

Section: Daily Dispatches

Inside the New York Fed: Secret Recordings and a Culture Clash

By Jake Bernstein
ProPublica, New York
Friday, September 26, 2014

Maguire sees huge gold offtake; Jaitly says price suppression will backfire

Section: Daily Dispatches

1:30p ET friday, September 26, 2014

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

London trader Andrew Maguire tells King World News today that the recent pounding of the gold price in the futures markets has resulted in offtake of about 650 tonnes of real metal in the last month:

German gold demand way up; Hathaway cites sentiment; GoldCore sees intervention

Section: Daily Dispatches

12:57p ET Friday, September 26, 2014

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

GoldReporter says gold demand in Germany has risen sharply with lower prices:
