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Daily Dispatches

S. Africa's gold mines offer wage increases of up to 13%

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Kevin Crowley
Bloomberg News
Monday, June 29, 2015

South African gold-mining companies tabled a five-year wage offer to the industry's unions that falls short of demands for increases of more than 80 percent.

Koos Jansen: New Chinese fund cites gold's 'superiority'

Section: Daily Dispatches

11:53a ET Monday, June 29, 2015

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Alasdair Macleod: The euro crisis

Section: Daily Dispatches

11:47a ET Monday, June 29, 2015

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Dave Kranzler: Market intervention creep

Section: Daily Dispatches

Don't Panic -- The Fed Is Control of the Markets

By Dave Kranzler
Investment Research Dynamics
Monday, June 29, 2015

If today's market action does not convince the last skeptics that the U.S. financial markets are completely rigged, nothing will.

Financial system cracks, gold somehow falls, no one in authority will ask why

Section: Daily Dispatches

10:56a ET Monday, June 29, 2015

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

No one who has followed GATA for a while could have thought last night, as Greece collapsed financially and the foundations of the European Union and its currency were shaken, that gold would do anything but decline or be held steady under surreptitious central bank intervention in the markets.

TF Metals Report: The criminality of the Comex

Section: Daily Dispatches

7p ET Sunday, June 28, 2015

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

The TF Metals Report's Turd Ferguson tonight powerfully echoes a point long made by silver market rigging whistleblower Ted Butler: that the monetary metals futures markets have been captured by naked short-selling speculators and completely perverted to destroy price discovery in the markets they are supposed to be serving.

Greece to shut banks and stock exchange on Monday as crisis deepens

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Lefteris Papadimas and John O'Donnell
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Greece's banks and stock exchange will be shut on Monday after creditors refused to extend the country's bailout and savers queued to withdraw cash, taking Athens' standoff with the European Union and the International Monetary Fund to a dangerous new level. ...

BIS scolds its own central bank members: You've made a mess of everything

Section: Daily Dispatches

World Is Defenseless Against Next Financial Crisis, BIS Warns

By Peter Spence
The Telegraph, London
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Brien Lundin: Proof of gold market manipulation

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Brien Lundin, Editor
Gold Newsletter, Metairie, Louisiana
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Shanghai Gold Exchange in talks to list products on CME

Section: Daily Dispatches

From Reuters
Friday, June 26, 2015

SHANGHAI -- The Shanghai Gold Exchange is in talks to list its bullion products on CME Group's trading platform and launch yuan-denominated bullion contracts in Dubai, an exchange official said.
