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Daily Dispatches
TF Metals Report: TED spread hints at stock fall, gold rise
Submitted by cpowell on Thu, 2016-08-11 18:19 Section: Daily Dispatches6:18p ET Thursday, August 11, 2016
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Investment surpasses jewelry as source of most demand for gold
Submitted by cpowell on Thu, 2016-08-11 07:39 Section: Daily DispatchesBy Catherine Boyle
CNBC, New York
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Investors' rabid appetite for gold is showing no signs of abating, as figures from the World Gold Council show record investment in the first half of 2016.
Benn Steil: Adopt a gold-backed dollar? This is what happened the last time we tried
Submitted by cpowell on Thu, 2016-08-11 07:30 Section: Daily DispatchesBy Benn Steil, New York
Thursday, August 11, 2016
"The dollar and gold are synonymous," Harry Dexter White, the architect of the Bretton Woods international monetary system, told Congress in 1945. "There is no likelihood that ... the United States will, at any time, be faced with the difficulty of buying and selling gold at a fixed price freely."
The Bank of England just learned a lot about bond market liquidity
Submitted by cpowell on Wed, 2016-08-10 11:24 Section: Daily DispatchesBy Tracy Alloway
Bloomberg News
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Return on UK government bonds turns negative
Submitted by cpowell on Wed, 2016-08-10 08:23 Section: Daily DispatchesFrom the British Broadcasting Corp.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
The return on some UK government debt turned negative after the Bank of England missed its target in a new bond buying operation.
The bank had offered to buy government bonds, or gilts, as part of its new quantitative easing programme to stimulate the economy.
Ronan Manly: Charade continues as London metal markets get more paper trading
Submitted by cpowell on Tue, 2016-08-09 13:04 Section: Daily DispatchesBy Ronan Manly, Singapore
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
TF Metals Report: A new wrinkle in the paper gold con game
Submitted by cpowell on Tue, 2016-08-09 11:08 Section: Daily Dispatches11:10a ET Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
The gold futures contracts being planned by the London Metals Exchange and World Gold Council appear to be based only on more "paper gold" derivatives, the TF Metals Report's Turd Ferguson writes today. His analysis is headlined "A New Wrinkle in the Paper Gold Con Game" and it's posted here:
London Metal Exchange to launch gold spot, futures contracts
Submitted by cpowell on Tue, 2016-08-09 11:00 Section: Daily DispatchesLondon Metal Exchange to Launch Gold Spot, Futures Contracts
By Clara Denina
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
LONDON -- The London Metal Exchange said today it is planning to launch spot and futures contracts for gold and silver in the first half of 2017, adding to its list of products which includes copper and aluminium.
Jobs report won't stave off stagflation, Turk tells KWN
Submitted by cpowell on Mon, 2016-08-08 19:03 Section: Daily Dispatches7p ET Monday, August 8, 2016
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
GoldMoney founder and GATA consultant James Turk tells King World News today that while the latest U.S. jobs report was taken as cause to smash gold, as most such reports are, it really changed nothing about economic conditions and that the country is headed for stagflation. An excerpt from the report it posted at KWN here:
Gold Reserve shares surge on $770 million Venezuelan settlement
Submitted by cpowell on Mon, 2016-08-08 13:54 Section: Daily DispatchesGold Reserve Shares Surge on $770 Million Venezuelan Settlement
By Andrew Willis
Bloomberg News
Monday, August 8, 2016
Gold Reserve Inc. will get about $770 million as part of a settlement with Venezuela for the 2008 seizure of its Brisas gold and copper project in an arrangement that depends on the country securing financing. Shares surged.