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Daily Dispatches
Bloomberg News won't disrupt Fed with critical questions and fears Shelton would
Submitted by cpowell on Tue, 2020-07-21 11:26 Section: Daily DispatchesHerewith a news organization that has never put a critical question to the Federal Reserve Board, nor, for that matter, to the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, opposes a Fed nominee because of the risk that she would do what journalism has failed to do.
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The Fed Doesn't Need This Kind of Disruption
An Editorial, Bloomberg News
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Monetary metals advocate David Tice interviewed for Kinesis Money by Andrew Maguire
Submitted by cpowell on Mon, 2020-07-20 23:43 Section: Daily Dispatches11:40p ET Monday, July 20, 2020
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Profit from mining shares and help GATA -- subscribe to The Calandra Report
Submitted by cpowell on Sun, 2020-07-19 11:58 Section: Daily Dispatches11:58a Sunday, July 19, 2020
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
With gold and silver straining to break higher and their mining shares already starting to fly, our friend Thom Calandra's financial letter is an ever-more compelling read, and Thom is renewing his generous offer to GATA and to GATA supporters who subscribe.
The Calandra Report emphasizes junior gold and silver mining companies.
Alasdair Macleod: The pound's future in a dollar collapse
Submitted by cpowell on Sun, 2020-07-19 11:48 Section: Daily DispatchesBy Alasdair Macleod
GoldMoney, St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands
Friday, July 15, 2020
In recent articles for Goldmoney I have pointed out the dollar's vulnerability to a final collapse in its purchasing power. This article focuses on the factors that will determine the future for sterling.
Sprott doubts 'spot' prices are real, praises GATA, Maguire
Submitted by cpowell on Sun, 2020-07-19 00:27 Section: Daily Dispatches12:29a ET Sunday, July 19, 2020
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
In his weekly interview with Craig Hemke for Sprott Money News, mining entrepreneur Eric Sprott notes the greatly increasing demand for physical gold and silver on the New York Commodities Exchange.
Gold is on the brink of a record high, Turk tells KWN
Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2020-07-17 21:31 Section: Daily Dispatches9:30p ET Friday, July 17, 2020
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Gold is on the brink of a record high, Turk tells KWN
Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2020-07-17 21:31 Section: Daily Dispatches9:30p ET Friday, July 17, 2020
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Vietnam permits nice things to be said about gold -- maybe someday the FT too?
Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2020-07-17 19:59 Section: Daily Dispatches7:58p ET Friday, July 17, 2020
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Having experienced many undependable sovereignties over the last century, Vietnamese have more appreciation for gold than many nationalities. and the other day Bullion Star researcher Ronan Manly elaborated to them on why they are right.
Profit from mining shares and help GATA -- subscribe to The Calandra Report
Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2020-07-17 12:19 Section: Daily Dispatches12:20p Friday, July 17, 2020
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
With gold and silver straining to break higher and their mining shares already starting to fly, our friend Thom Calandra's financial letter is an ever-more compelling read, and Thom is renewing his generous offer to GATA and to GATA supporters who subscribe.
Tim Duy: Fed is considering letting inflation run
Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2020-07-17 10:54 Section: Daily DispatchesWhat the heck else has it been doing for years now?
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The Fed Is Setting the Stage for a Major Policy Change
By Tim Duy
Bloomberg News
Friday, July 17, 2020
For the Federal Reserve, this time really is different. Having learned a hard lesson in the last recovery -- don't tighten monetary policy too early -- the central bank is leaning in the opposite direction.