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Daily Dispatches

New York Sun: Avoiding 'price volatility' is no defense for Fed against Shelton

Section: Daily Dispatches

Judy Shelton Gets a Green Light for Vote by Full Senate

From The New York Sun
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The vote of the Senate Banking Committee to confirm Judy Shelton for a governorship of the Federal Reserve marks an important step in the right direction for our central bank.

Craig Hemke at Sprott Money: Fed policy shift to negative rates, more inflation is boosting metals

Section: Daily Dispatches

10:10a ET Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Craig Hemke of the TF Metals Report, writing tonight at Sprott Money, says gold and silver are soaring on the Federal Reserve's new policies of "yield-curve control" -- that is, more suppression of interest rates, even to the point of negative real rates -- combined with higher inflation targets.

At KWN, Turk marvels at silver's blastoff -- investors are remonetizing it

Section: Daily Dispatches

9:57p ET Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

At King World News tonight, GoldMoney founder and GATA consultant James Turk marvels at silver's blastoff today, which seems to be continuing tonight.

Profit from mining shares and help GATA -- subscribe to The Calandra Report

Section: Daily Dispatches

9:52p ET Tuesday, July 22, 2020

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

With gold and silver straining to break higher and their mining shares already starting to fly, our friend Thom Calandra's financial letter is an ever-more compelling read, and Thom is renewing his generous offer to GATA and to GATA supporters who subscribe.

Trump's pro-gold nominee moves closer to landing Fed seat

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Victoria Guida
Politico, Washington
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Judy Shelton, the controversial Federal Reserve nominee who long advocated for a return to the gold standard and once questioned the basis for the Fed’s independence from political influence, is one step closer to a seat on the central bank’s board.

Nobody wants to go short in silver, GoldMoney's Macleod tells KWN

Section: Daily Dispatches

12:05p ET Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Interviewed today by King World News, GoldMoney research director Alasdair Macleod sees a short squeeze in gold and great reluctance among bullion banks to go short in silver. The interview can be read here:

Super-rich Russian battles Chinese rival in hunt for African gold

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Tim Treadgold
Forbes, New York
Monday, July 20, 2020

If anyone doubts the universal lure of gold as its price nears an all-time high, then consider a China vs. Russia takeover battle for an African gold deposit controlled by an Australian mining company.

Bloomberg News won't disrupt Fed with critical questions and fears Shelton would

Section: Daily Dispatches

Herewith a news organization that has never put a critical question to the Federal Reserve Board, nor, for that matter, to the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, opposes a Fed nominee because of the risk that she would do what journalism has failed to do.

* * *

The Fed Doesn't Need This Kind of Disruption

An Editorial, Bloomberg News
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Profit from mining shares and help GATA -- subscribe to The Calandra Report

Section: Daily Dispatches

11:58a Sunday, July 19, 2020

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

With gold and silver straining to break higher and their mining shares already starting to fly, our friend Thom Calandra's financial letter is an ever-more compelling read, and Thom is renewing his generous offer to GATA and to GATA supporters who subscribe.

The Calandra Report emphasizes junior gold and silver mining companies.
