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Daily Dispatches

Stampede into gold shares is imminent

Section: Daily Dispatches

11:05p EDT Sunday, October 10, 1999

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

You'll be interested in the latest market commentary by
Milhouse at

After reviewing the stock and bond markets, Milhouse
analyzes last week's action in gold stocks and
attributes their decline to the general concern about
overhedging by producers, a concern that harmed the
innocent along with the guilty. Milhouse predicts

Please ask these crucial questions

Section: Daily Dispatches

11:45p EDT Monday, October 11, 1999

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

GATA Chairman Bill Murphy tonight dispatched the
following letter to his subscribers at and has invited me to
share it with you.

It remarks on the growing desperation of the gold
bears and maintains that this and other developments
are evidence of the turn of the tide and an imminent
stampede into gold shares.

Ted Arnold whistles past the graveyard

Section: Daily Dispatches

1a EDT Saturday, October 9, 1999

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Here are the relevant parts of the quot;After The Close/The
Golden View from The Towerquot; commentary for Friday night

Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee

* * *


October 8, 1999

As they would say in Europe, quot;psychopathsquot; ruled the

A vengeful gold has come back from the dead

Section: Daily Dispatches

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

You'll enjoy this story from Reuters from a few days
ago, wherein Prudential Bache's Ted Arnold acknowledges
the possibility of an imminent new rise in the gold
price even as he tries to persuade himself that it
wouldn't mean anything and that the price would drop
right back down. Of course I'm biased, but it sounds to
me like whistling past the graveyard, wherein a few new

Gold shines in several economic scenarios

Section: Daily Dispatches

Noon EDT Sunday, October 10, 1999

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Here's much of GATA Chairman Bill Murphy's most recent
quot;Midasquot; commentary, for Friday, October 8, posted at I'm not able to reproduce a
chart from his commentary, and I've shortened the whole
thing a bit in the hope of avoiding having this come to
you as an attached file. If this does come to you as an

Milhouse on prospects for hedged and unhedged

Section: Daily Dispatches

8:40p EDT Sunday, October 10, 1999

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Here's an interesting article from Friday's Australian
Financial Review, forecasting gold's success in a
number of hypothetical world financial scenarios.

Please post this as seems useful.

Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *


By Tony Boyd
Global Markets Editor

Short-term gold lease rates jump again

Section: Daily Dispatches

12:50a EDT Friday, October 8, 1999

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Here's another brilliant essay by Reginald H. Howe,
Harvard-trained lawyer, financial analyst, former
mining company manager, and good friend to GATA,
just posted at his web site,

It examines the hedging catastrophe at Cambior and
speculates on a way out of it -- a way that closely
resembles GATA's raison d'etre (if we all can parlez

Only way out of short squeeze is hundreds up

Section: Daily Dispatches

12:20a EDT Thursday, October 7, 1999

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

The gold defaults have spread from Karachi to
Ghana and Canada, what with the collapse in
the last two days of a major gold producer,
Ashanti, and a medium producer, Cambior.

In a new dispatch tonight at his web site,, GATA Chairman
Bill Murphy says that Ashanti's banker, the
whiz that persuaded the miner to sell forward

Short position bigger than even Hathaway says

Section: Daily Dispatches

11:50p EDT Thursday, October 7, 1999

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Here's another crucial essay by John Hathaway of
Tocqueville Asset Management, who, like GATA
Chairman Bill Murphy, has called the gold market
exactly for months now. You may remember
Hathaway's essay, quot;The Golden Pyramid,quot; which
forecast the collapse of the gold carry trade, and
his alert, on the Friday before the gold market

Chaos for anyone short or near a short

Section: Daily Dispatches

12:05a Friday, October 8, 1999

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

GATA Chairman Bill Murphy sent these comments
Thursday night to his subscribers at as a preface to the essay
by John Hathaway that I sent you a few minutes ago.
It's a reminder that GATA's forecasts from the spring
and summer are coming true.

Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
