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Daily Dispatches

Blanchard seeks damages from Barrick Gold and Morgan Chase for all gold traders

Section: Daily Dispatches

Europeans wait nervously for the golden revolution

By Kevin Morrison
Financial Times
Tuesday, September 22, 2004

It is six months since European central banks
announced they were renewing the gold-selling
pact that has helped stabilise prices over the

Second Blanchard suit against Barrick, Morgan seeks damages for all gold owners

Section: Daily Dispatches

4:54p ET Saturday, September 17, 2004

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Jim Puplava, proprietor of, has
turned his weekly Internet radio roundtable program
over to a discussion of manpulation of the gold market.
His guests are Sprott Asset Management President
John Embry; James Turk, editor of The Free Market
Gold & Money Report and proprietor of;
and GATA Chairman Bill Murphy. You can listen to

Ted Butler: This looks like the setup for a rally in silver

Section: Daily Dispatches

7:50p ET Monday, September 20, 2004

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Blanchard & Co., the New Orleans coin and bullion
dealer, says it file tomorrow another anti-trust
lawsuit against Barrick Gold and J.P. Morgan Chase
over their alleged manipulation of the gold market.

The new lawsuit will be a federal class action that
intends to build on the first Blanchard suit so that
all gold investors in the United States since 1998

Jim Puplava interviews Embry, Turk, and Murphy on gold market manipulation

Section: Daily Dispatches

"Conspiracies rarely exist, and when they do, they are far
more often than not exposed."

-- Dennis Gartman in The Gartman Letter, Tuesday,
September 14, 2004

* * *

24 hours later, another fantastic rarity burst into
view. But of course the authorities always catch them
all. ...

* * *

Infineon to Plead Guilty
in Memory Chip Case

By Peter Kaplan and Daniel Sorid

Ted Butler: A long-term investment better than the best stock or land

Section: Daily Dispatches

On Gold Bugs and Net Shorts

By Dennis Gartman
The Gartman Letter
Tuesday, September 14, 2004

The gold bugs are a strange lot, really.

They see conspiracies everywhere and at all times.
If the government is not conspiring against the public,
then business is conspiring against the government,
or business AND the government are conspiring
against the public, and, if not that, then all three

Producers hasten hedge reductions, so where is all the new gold coming from?

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Theodore Butler
Wednesday, September 15, 2004

The market structure, as defined this week by the
COTs, continues to explain the short-term movements
in gold and silver. As usual, the recent decline in
prices has been caused by technical hedge fund
liquidation. This should be obvious to everyone,
including the silver miners. The 80-cent selloff in
silver was telegraphed and orchestrated by the

Metal Bulletin features GATA chairman and some of his anonymous critics

Section: Daily Dispatches

.... It's multiple choice:

A) The Gartman Letter.

B) Tim Wood.

C) Central banks and bullion banks working
furiously together to keep the gold price

* * *

Producer De-Hedging Accelerates in 2004

Business Day, South Africa
Thursday, September 16, 2004,3523,1705567-6078-

Really, why does the Justice Department even need an Anti-Trust Division?

Section: Daily Dispatches

Buried Treasure

By Josephine Mason
Metal Bulletin
September 12, 2004

Bill Murphy is fired up. He's been fired up for a
good five years now -- ever since he claims to have
unearthed evidence that the price of gold was being
suppressed by a gold "cartel," operated by global
financial institutions, including the U.S. Federal
Reserve and the International Monetary Fund.

The Gartman Letter sneers at GATA, and a reply

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Hugo Salinas Price
For The Daily Reckoning
Tuesday, September 14, 2004

The last Mexican economic debacle of 1994-1995 prompted
my search for monetary stability.

Intuitively, I first thought of gold, but I reached the
conclusion that the enmity of the United States and of
the IMF toward the monetization of gold would make that

Canada''s National Post reports at length on the Sprott report

Section: Daily Dispatches

11p ET Monday, September 13, 2004

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Julian D.W. Phillips, editor of the Gold -- Authentic
Money newsletter, offers some informed speculations
on the next central bank gold agreement, which is
expected to be announced at the International Monetary
Fund meeting in October. Phillips observes that gold
increasingly looks like a superior reserve asset, the
last thing anyone should be selling right now, and you
