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Daily Dispatches
Oh, how the bankers want to get their hands on India''s ''idle'' gold
Submitted by cpowell on Mon, 2005-03-28 03:00 Section: Daily DispatchesThe Telegraph, Calcutta
Monday, March 28, 2005
NEW DELHI -- The government will announce a comprehensive,
liberalised, and user-friendly gold policy next month,
commerce secretary S.N. Menon said here today.
The policy is likely to help mutual funds and banks invest
International Herald Tribune sees grim outlook for dollar
Submitted by cpowell on Sun, 2005-03-27 03:00 Section: Daily Dispatches4p ET Saturday, March 26, 2005
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
GATA Chairman Bill Murphy's "Midas" commentary for
Friday at has been posted in
the clear at GoldSeek. It describes the planning
for GATA's Gold Rush 21 conference in Dawson City,
Yukon, in August, and you can find it at here:
Hedge funds are the new sensations of Wall Street, NY Times reports
Submitted by cpowell on Sun, 2005-03-27 03:00 Section: Daily DispatchesA Blend of Risks Makes Dollar's Outlook Grim;
Traders' Pessimism Could Bring Selloff
By David Altman
International Herald Tribune, Paris
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Is the writing on the wall for the U.S. dollar? Researchers at one
big fund manager say it is, but the markets haven't read along just
Bloomberg survey finds traders enthusiastic about dollar
Submitted by cpowell on Sun, 2005-03-27 03:00 Section: Daily DispatchesThe world has gone mad today
And good's bad today
And black's white today
And day's night today
And that gent today
You gave a cent today
Once had several chateaux.
-- Cole Porter, "Anything Goes"
* * *
If I Only Had a Hedge Fund
By Jenny Anderson
and Riva D. Atlas
The New York Times
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Gold''s partisans doubt that Fed can raise interest rates aggressively
Submitted by cpowell on Sun, 2005-03-27 03:00 Section: Daily DispatchesBy Joshua Krongold
Bloomber News Service
Monday, March 28, 2005
NEW YORK -- As the dollar heads for the biggest quarterly advance
against the euro since 2001, traders are more bullish on the U.S.
currency than they have been in 17 months, according to a Bloomberg
Murphy''s ''Midas'' commentary describes planning for Gold Rush 21
Submitted by cpowell on Sat, 2005-03-26 03:00 Section: Daily Dispatches4:50p ET Thursday, March 24, 2005
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
There's more commentary arguing that higher U.S.
interest rates will not strengthen the dollar for
long, since they are likely to collapse the U.S.
economy. It's by Peter Schiff, CEO of Euro Pacific
Capital in Newport Beach, Calif. You can find it
at GoldSeek here:
Oil''s surge ignites cost increases for products from plastics to shoes
Submitted by cpowell on Thu, 2005-03-24 03:00 Section: Daily Dispatches11p ET Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
MineWeb today posted a long interview with South
African mining entrepreneuer Brett Kebble, GATA's
first major contributor, and it shows the great
difficult of the South African gold-mining business,
worsened by a government that insists on playing
the slave to Western central banks and their scheme
to suppress the gold price.
Rising interest rates probably won''t kill the commodities bull market
Submitted by cpowell on Thu, 2005-03-24 03:00 Section: Daily DispatchesBy Timothy Aeppel
The Wall Street Journal
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
The recent rise in oil prices is reverberating far beyond the world's
energy-intensive industries, spurring cost increases for everything
from military tents in Iraq and weed killer in Iowa to shoes and
Barbie dolls in China.
The continuing surge is causing companies which a year ago saw higher
oil prices as a passing phenomenon to rethink their strategies. Many
Higher interest rates won''t help dollar when they collapse the U.S. economy
Submitted by cpowell on Thu, 2005-03-24 03:00 Section: Daily Dispatches1994 REVISITED
By Eric J. Fry
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Two days ago, your New York editor guessed that Villanova might win
the NCAA championships and that gold might soon resume its rally. The
good news is that Villanova still has a chance. ...
Jim Sinclair: Nothing to worry about
Submitted by cpowell on Wed, 2005-03-23 03:00 Section: Daily DispatchesBy Ted Butler
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
The latest commitment of traders report showed a very sharp increase
in the net dealer short position in gold, of more than 38,000
futures contracts. That brought the total dealer net short position
to more than 147,000 contracts, an increase of almost 110,000
contracts from the lows some five weeks ago. This increase in the
commercial gold net short position ranks among the largest in