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Daily Dispatches

Japan''s stock market falls sharply

Section: Daily Dispatches

9:45p ET Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

GATA is not in the business of apologizing for the mining
industry -- indeed, what wonderful gold and silver prices
we'd have if the mining industry was shut down -- but the
Reuters story below indicates the general arrogance of
the mainstream business press, which the friends of gold
and silver are up against every day.

South Korea buys $1 billion to suppress its own currency

Section: Daily Dispatches

From AFX News
Thursday, January 12, 2006

BEIJING -- China has no plan to sell off its U.S. dollar assets, the
head of the People's Bank of China, Zhou Xiaochuan, was quoted as
saying in the official Shanghai Securities News.

The central bank governor also said he does not know of any plan to

Asian currency unit draws near, much to dismay of United States

Section: Daily Dispatches

The Chosun Ilbo, Seoul, South Korea
Friday, January 13, 2006

Government intervention in the currency market boosted the value of
the U.S. dollar on Friday, when the greenback surged 13.80 won to
987.80 won. The exchange rate opened up W2.00 at W976.00 on an

Copper and other base metals are turning into currencies

Section: Daily Dispatches

Single Asian Currency Comes a Step Closer to Reality

The Chosun Ilbo, Seoul, South Korea
Friday, January 13, 2006

The Asian single currency, which so far exists only in the minds of
economists and officials with international organizations, will take

You''re invited to GATA''s reception at the Vancouver conference

Section: Daily Dispatches

9:15p ET Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Orders now are being taken over the Internet for
copies of the DVD of the proceedings of the Gold
Anti-Trust Action Committee's Gold Rush 21
conference last August in Dawson City, Yukon
Territory, Canada.

The DVD is a two-disk set containing a
dramatic 25-minute summary of the conference
and about eight hours of the presentations of

AngloGold says more hedging unlikely for two years

Section: Daily Dispatches

12:20a ET Thursday, January 12, 2005

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Thanks to the extravagant generosity of the Larry
Reaugh companies -- Goldrea Resources Corp.,
Adanac Moly Corp., and MolyCor Gold Corp. --
the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee will hold
a reception for its friends in the Vancouver area
at the conclusion of the Vancouver Resource
Investment Conference. We'll be celebrating the

Derivative backlogs rise despite banks'' efforts

Section: Daily Dispatches

From Mining Weekly Online
Thursday, January 12, 2006

South Africa's AngloGold Ashanti is bullish enough about a strong
gold price that it does not expect to resume most hedging for at
least a couple of years, a top official said yesterday.

AngloGold, the world's second biggest gold producer, is the only

No sale of dollar assets is planned, China''s central bank governor says

Section: Daily Dispatches

By David Wigan
Thursday, January 12, 2006

LONDON -- Backlogs of trade confirmations on credit derivatives
continued to rise in 2005 despite bank efforts to fix the problem
after U.S. regulators demanded action, pricing provider Markit said

Murphy''s ''Midas'' commentary for Jan. 10 posted in the clear at Kitco

Section: Daily Dispatches

China Losing Confidence in the Dollar

By Peter S. Goodman
Washington Post
Monday, January 9, 2006

SHANGHAI -- As China's industrial juggernaut has flooded foreign
ports with cheap factory-made goods in recent years, its central
bank coffers have filled with the bounty flowing back to these

Embry smashes the gold cartel and Barrick on ROB-TV

Section: Daily Dispatches

8:21p ET Tuesday, January 11, 2006

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

GATA Chairman Bill Murphy's "Midas" commentary
for January 10 at, "Why the
Gold Cartel Messed With the Wrong Irishman, and
A Salute to My Hero," has been posted in the clear
at here:
