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Daily Dispatches

U.S. Treasury refuses to answer many questions about disposition of its own gold

Section: Daily Dispatches

11:31a ET Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Recent correspondence between U.S. Rep. Alex X. Mooney, R-West Virginia, and the U.S. Treasury Department suggests that the department has given the Federal Reserve and International Monetary Fund unfettered control of a substantial portion of U.S. gold reserves.

In a letter to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on June 9 this year --

Irish central bank makes first reserve gold purchases since 2009

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Lorcan Roche Kelly
Bloomberg News
Wednesday, December 1, 2021

The Irish central bank has been adding to its gold reserves as inflation in the euro area runs far ahead of the European Central Bank target. 

USAGold's December letter: The masters of the universe and gold

Section: Daily Dispatches

2:22p ET Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

USAGold's "News & Views" letter for December examines how the U.S. Treasury bond market is now almost entirely a creature of the Federal reserve, which has been monetizing most of the federal government debt undertaken in the last decade.

Gold, the letter suggests, quoting market analyst Charlie Morris, is a sort of bond itself, and a much more attractive one because:

-- It is a zero-coupon because it pays no interest.

-- It has a long duration because it lasts forever.

Matthew Piepenburg: From gold manipulation to Washington's latest lies, absolute distortion continues

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Matthew Piepenburg
Matterhown Asset Management, Zurich
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

... No discourse on faking it, lying, or market distortion would be complete without a quick look at the latest artificial boot to the neck of rising gold prices.

As you've likely noticed, manipulated gold lost more than $45 in price last week. What you might not have noticed is why.

... Dispatch continues below ...


Rare silver coin minted in colonial New England sells for $350,000

Section: Daily Dispatches

From The Associated Press
via Yahoo News, Sunnyvale, California
Friday, November 26, 2021

BOSTON -- One of the first coins minted in colonial New England, which was recently found among other coins in a candy tin, has sold at auction for more than $350,000, more than it was expected to get, the auctioneer said today.

... Dispatch continues below ...


Buy, Sell, or Store Precious Metals with Money Metals Exchange

You can still review the New Orleans conference while helping GATA

Section: Daily Dispatches

3:08p ET Saturday, November 27, 2021

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Last month's New Orleans Investment Conference was a great one, and doubly so for GATA, since the presentation by fund manager Lawrence Lepard praised the organization and was especially well-received:

But there were many other great presentations, including those by former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, author and fund manager Jim Rickards, and  financial analysts Grant Williams, Doug Casey, and Rick Rule.

Bullion Star's Ronan Manly: Singapore quietly adds 26 tonnes to its gold reserves

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Ronan Manly
Bullion Star, Singapore
Saturday, November 27, 2021

It has just come to light that Singapore's central bank, the Monetary Authority of Singapore, added 26.35 tonnes of gold to its official monetary gold reserves over a 2-month period between May and June this year, in the process boosting its strategic gold holdings by 20% to a claimed 153.76 tonnes.

China's October net gold imports via Hong Kong hit 3-year high

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Bharat Gautam
via, New York
Thursday, November 25, 2021

China's net gold imports via Hong Kong jumped 56% in October from the previous month to the highest since June 2018, as buyers in the top consumer stocked up on the metal as a cushion against rising inflation.

Net imports stood at 54.26 tonnes in October compared with 34.79 tonnes in September, Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department data showed Thursday.

... Dispatch continues below ...


Alasdair Macleod: The euro's death wish

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Alasdair Macleod
GoldMoney, Toronto
Thursday, November 25, 2021

Last week's Goldmoney article explained the Fed's increasing commitment to dollar hyperinflation. This week's article examines the additional issues facing the euro and the Eurozone.

The three unanswered questions that confirm gold price suppression policy

Section: Daily Dispatches

1:31p ET Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Interviewed a few days ago by Gold Newsletter's Fergus Hodgson and Brien Lundin, your secretary/treasurer presented the three crucial questions that key government agencies refuse to answer about surreptitious intervention in the gold market by governments and central banks, refusals that effectively confirm gold price suppression policy.
