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Daily Dispatches
John Crudele: Ben, come clean about the PPT!
Submitted by cpowell on Thu, 2006-07-27 08:08 Section: Daily DispatchesBy John Crudele
New York Post
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke revealed that the secretive Plunge Protection Team meets several times a year, but he dodged a congressman's inquiries about what the group does and whether minutes are kept of those meetings.
So the Post has filed a Freedom of Information Act request for those minutes -- specifically for the meetings that likely occurred immediately after the terrorist attacks in 2001.
Canadian mint considers creating ETF for precious metals
Submitted by cpowell on Wed, 2006-07-26 16:17 Section: Daily DispatchesMint Sees Gold (and Silver) in TSX Offering; Considers Launching ETF-like Product
Paul Waldie
The Globe and Mail, Toronto
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
The Royal Canadian Mint is considering launching an investment product on the Toronto Stock Exchange as a way of tapping into the growing demand by investors for precious metals.
Short squeeze in gold is near, Grandich says
Submitted by cpowell on Wed, 2006-07-26 15:43 Section: Daily DispatchesGold Futures Rise as Dollar Drops, Mideast Talks Snag
By Polya Lesova
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
NEW YORK -- Gold futures surged Wednesday as the dollar dropped against major currencies and as international talks on the Mideast conflict dead-ended with the U.S. rejecting calls for an immediate cease-fire.
Investment demand will break central bank gold cartel
Submitted by cpowell on Wed, 2006-07-26 08:28 Section: Daily DispatchesA Summer Tip for Arabian Investors: Gold shares
From AME Info, Dubai
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Barrick Gold has paid $1.3 billion to buy the much smaller gold mining company Nova Gold which was one of the six stocks tipped for 2006 by James Saks in this column last December. Investors in NovaGold have clearly made a quick buck, but what does it say about the outlook for gold mining stocks?
Ted Butler: Locked and loaded
Submitted by cpowell on Tue, 2006-07-25 18:53 Section: Daily DispatchesDear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Silver market analyst Ted Butler's new commentary
examines the ever-more-concentrated and manipulative short position in silver and warns potential investors in the New York Mercantile Exchange of the fraud under way there. Butler's commentary, "Locked and Loaded," can be found at GoldSeek's companion site, SilverSeek, here:
4 brokers, including Goldman Sachs, fined for breaking short-sales rule
Submitted by cpowell on Mon, 2006-07-24 13:02 Section: Daily DispatchesFrom Reuters
Monday, July 24, 2006
NEW YORK -- NYSE Group Inc. said on Monday it fined four firms a total of $1.25 million, saying they violated a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission rule on short selling.
It censured and fined Daiwa Securities America Inc., a subsidiary of Japan-based brokerage Daiwa Securities Group Inc., Goldman Sachs Execution & Clearing, part of Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Citigroup Global Markets, Inc., a subsidiary of Citigroup Inc., and Credit Suisse Securities, part of Credit Suisse Group.
Israel Friedman: Physical silver, yes; speculation, no
Submitted by cpowell on Wed, 2006-07-19 17:30 Section: Daily Dispatches5:24p ET Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Israel Friedman, mentor to silver market analyst Ted Butler, has taken over the commentary of his student this week with "Physical Silver, Yes; Speculation, No," posted at GoldSeek's companion site, SilverSeek, here:
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Acti
Top bond manager expects Fed to cut interest rates by January
Submitted by cpowell on Mon, 2006-07-17 01:19 Section: Daily DispatchesFrom Reuters
Thursday, July 13, 2006
NEW YORK -- Yields on the benchmark U.S. Treasury Note should fall 1 percentage point from current levels as economic growth softens and the Fed is finally forced to reverse its campaign of lifting borrowing costs, bond fund manager Bill Gross said on Thursday.
Coalition urges dollar devaluation to regain jobs in U.S.
Submitted by cpowell on Mon, 2006-07-17 01:08 Section: Daily DispatchesCoalition Urges Government
to Lower Dollar Value
By Kylene Kiang
Cox News Service
via The Western Star, Lebanon, Ohio
Thursday, July 13, 2006
WASHINGTON -- Academic, business, and labor groups called on the Bush administration Wednesday to lower the value of the dollar in order to alleviate the country's ballooning trade deficit and its adverse effects on American industry.
U.S. may be going bankrupt, Federal Reserve consultant warns
Submitted by cpowell on Sat, 2006-07-15 16:56 Section: Daily DispatchesBy Edmund Conway
The Telegraph, London
Friday, July 14, 2006
The United States is heading for bankruptcy, according to an extraordinary paper published by one of the key members of the country's central bank.
A ballooning budget deficit and a pensions and welfare timebomb could send the economic superpower into insolvency, according to research by Professor Laurence Kotlikoff for the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, a leading constituent of the U.S. Federal Reserve.