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Daily Dispatches
A debate on gold on CBC Radio's 'The Current'
Submitted by cpowell on Tue, 2010-01-12 23:17 Section: Daily Dispatches11:13p ET Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: A global fiasco is brewing in Japan
Submitted by cpowell on Tue, 2010-01-12 12:13 Section: Daily DispatchesBy Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
The Telegraph, London
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I have felt rather lonely after suggesting in my new year predictions that Japan is dangerously close to blowing up on its sovereign debts, with consequences that will be felt across the world.
Busted firms claim billions in 'stimulus'; speculators will get some of it
Submitted by cpowell on Mon, 2010-01-11 16:59 Section: Daily DispatchesBy Tom Hals
Monday, January 11, 2010
Ted Butler: A milestone meeting
Submitted by cpowell on Mon, 2010-01-11 16:46 Section: Daily Dispatches4:43p ET Monday, January 11, 2010
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):
We need King World News because mainstream media fail
Submitted by cpowell on Mon, 2010-01-11 16:32 Section: Daily Dispatches4:30p ET Monday, January 11, 2010
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Crisis threatens to curb central banks
Submitted by cpowell on Mon, 2010-01-11 16:20 Section: Daily DispatchesBy Jon Hilsenrath, Brian Blackstone, and Jaeyeon Woo
The Wall Street Journal
Monday, January 11, 2010
Politicians are taking bolder actions to influence monetary policy, signaling that the global financial crisis may end up reining in the independence of many central banks.
You gotta love Dave Morgan's taste in art and metal
Submitted by cpowell on Mon, 2010-01-11 16:04 Section: Daily Dispatches4p ET Monday, January 11, 2010
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):'s David Morgan was interviewed about silver's prospects for four minutes today by, and you've got to love his taste in art at his home office, as well as his favorite investment. Check what's behind him on the wall as you listen to his analysis here:
Fed presses appeal to block disclosure of bailout information
Submitted by cpowell on Mon, 2010-01-11 08:39 Section: Daily DispatchesBy David Glovin
Bloomberg News
Monday, January 11, 2010
NEW YORK -- The Federal Reserve will ask a U.S. appeals court to block a ruling that for the first time would force the central bank to reveal secret identities of financial firms that might have collapsed without the largest government bailout in U.S. history.
James Turk on M3's fall and silver's rise
Submitted by cpowell on Sun, 2010-01-10 12:15 Section: Daily Dispatches12:07p ET Sunday, January 10, 2010
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):
James Turk, editor of the Free Gold Money Report, founder of GoldMoney, and consultant to GATA, posted two more timely economic analyses at the FGMR Internet site this week.
Commodity Online notes GATA's work at length if terribly incompletely
Submitted by cpowell on Sun, 2010-01-10 10:26 Section: Daily Dispatches10:20a ET Sunday, January 10, 2010
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
A long unsigned essay posted today at Commodity Online, the Internet site based in Ahmedabad, the great commercial and industrial city of western India, takes long if terribly incomplete note of GATA's work.