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Daily Dispatches

Prices don't drop when inflation eases

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Medora Lee
USA Today, McLean, Virginia
via Yahoo News, Sunnyvale, California
Tuesday, July 5, 2022

When it comes to prices during inflation what goes up doesn't always come down.

When talking about inflation, it's important to remember that inflation is a rate that measures how fast prices are rising. If the consumer inflation rate drops from its 40-year high of 8.6% in May, prices are still rising -- just not as fast.

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Craig Hemke at Sprott Money: Looking ahead 90 days for gold and silver

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Craig Hemke
Sprott Money, Toronto
Tuesday, July 5, 2022

As Q3 begins, the narrative of higher U.S. interest rates and a soaring dollar continues. But what will the narrative be by the end of Q3? 

Answer that question and you'll know where Comex precious metals prices are headed.

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First Majestic Produces Silver and Gold in the United States and Mexico

Peter Hambro: Putin and Xi know the golden rule

Section: Daily Dispatches

10:20p ET Monday, July 4, 2022

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Gold mining executive and trader Peter Hambro today reviews how the gold derivatives racket -- an enterprise of central banks, bullion banks, and futures-trading investment houses -- have rigged the gold market for many years using imaginary metal.

But Hambro warns: "Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping are among those who know the golden rule: Whoever has the gold makes the rules."

When buying gold or silver, consider the dealers who support GATA

Section: Daily Dispatches

9:55p ET Monday, July 4, 2022

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Being the only forms of money without counterparty risk, at least when held directly by their owners, gold and silver are often seen as the foundation of a sound investment portfolio. 

'Exceptional' Roman gold coin hoard found in Britain

Section: Daily Dispatches

After two millennia, Augustus' money is still good.

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By Katy Prickett
British Broadcasting Co., London
Friday, July 1, 2022

A hoard of Roman gold coins hidden in the decades before the Roman invasion of Britain has been discovered.

Eleven coins have been found so far, scattered near Norwich in Iceni tribe territory. Their queen Boudica would later rebel against Roman rule.

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India raises import tax on gold to support rupee

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Rajendra Jadhav
Friday, July 1, 2022

MUMBAI -- India has raised its basic import duty on gold to 12.5% from 7.5%, the government said today, as the world's second biggest consumer of the precious metal tries to dampen demand and bring down the trade deficit.

Local gold prices jumped to an over-two-month peak of 52,032 rupees per 10 grams today, the highest since April 25.

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Andy Puzder and Jim Talent: Raging U.S. inflation is far worse than we're being told

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Andy Puzder and Jim Talent
Daily Mail, London
Thursday, June 30, 2022

The outlook for the U.S. economy is bad and potentially getting worse.

Today the Commerce Department released new consumer spending numbers showing that the prices Americans are paying for goods and services climbed 6.3% over the past year, as inflation maintained its upward momentum.

Just 24 hours earlier, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell warned, yet again, that his efforts to rein in runaway price increases by raising interest rates may plunge the nation into recession.

Invest 'responsibly' in gold under rules set by the market's riggers, the LBMA and JPMorgan

Section: Daily Dispatches

Accprding to the fund's prospectus --

-- the fund's gold custodian is JPMorgan in London, its gold is  not insured, only "authorized participants" and not ordinary shareholders may redeem shares for metal, and the fund's initial authorized participant is JPMorgan Securities. How responsible!

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Franklin Templeton Launches Franklin Responsibly Sourced Gold ETF

U.S. dollar's share of FX reserves steady in Q1, euro's share falls

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Gertrude Chavez-Dreyfuss
via U.S. News and World Report, Washington
Thursday, June 30, 2022

NEW YORK -- The U.S. dollar's share of currency reserves reported to the International Monetary Fund was 58.8% in the first quarter, unchanged from that of the last three months of 2021, IMF data showed on Thursday.

The greenback remains the largest-held currency reserve by global central banks.

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When buying gold or silver, consider the dealers who support GATA

Section: Daily Dispatches

1:10p ET Thursday, June 30, 2022

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Being the only forms of money without counterparty risk, at least when held directly by their owners, gold and silver are often seen as the foundation of a sound investment portfolio. 
