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Daily Dispatches
Pinnacle Digest elaborates on gold suppression, Zero Hedge on bank deposit fees
Submitted by cpowell on Sun, 2013-11-24 18:20 Section: Daily Dispatches6:18p ET Sunday, November 24, 2013
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Pinnacle Digest's second installment of gold price suppression commentary, posted today, notes that gold price suppression intensified last week:
Michael Pento: What hypocrisy from Bernanke on QE
Submitted by cpowell on Sun, 2013-11-24 17:08 Section: Daily Dispatches5p ET Sunday, November 24, 2013
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Iran will be allowed to buy gold but not take it as payment for oil
Submitted by cpowell on Sun, 2013-11-24 12:24 Section: Daily DispatchesRestricting gold's monetary function is as important to the United States as restricting nuclear weapons.
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Iran Agrees to Deal With Powers to Curb Nuclear Work
By Jonathan Tirone, Indira A.R. Lakshmanan, and Kambiz Foroohar
Bloomberg News
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Bullion banks rig gold market against their own clients, Maguire says
Submitted by cpowell on Sat, 2013-11-23 14:52 Section: Daily Dispatches2:48p ET Saturday, November 23, 2013
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
With option expiration on gold futures contracts set for Monday, bullion banks are using their knowledge of their clients' orders to rig the market against them. An excerpt from the interview is posted at the King World News blog here:
Jim Sinclair: My mission on our behalf
Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2013-11-22 15:41 Section: Daily Dispatches3:46p ET Friday, November 22, 2013
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Gold advocate and mining entrepreneur Jim Sinclair writes today from Singapore about his efforts to have physical gold exchanges replace the paper futures markets in which manipulation is suppressing prices.
Alasdair Macleod: Sprott's right, WGC is wrong on gold demand data
Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2013-11-22 14:01 Section: Daily Dispatches2p ET Friday, November 22, 2013
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
The economist Alasdair Macleod, GoldMoney's research director, today analyzes the controversy over the World Gold Council's gold demand estimates and sides with Sprott Asset Management CEO Eric Sprott, concluding that the gold council vastly underestimates gold being imported into China.
Gold traders plan benchmark code of conduct
Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2013-11-22 13:37 Section: Daily DispatchesLike, maybe, don't get caught?
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By Jack Farchy
Financial Times, London
Friday, November 22, 2013
The group of banks and traders that runs the London gold market is planning to tighten procedures to protect against manipulation in the wake of the Libor scandal.
Bearishness, naked shorts at extremes again in gold, Maguire says
Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2013-11-22 12:50 Section: Daily Dispatches12:50p ET Friday, November 22, 2013
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
London metals trader Andrew Maguire tells King World News that extremes in bearishness and naked short positions have been reached again in the gold market, prompting him to expect an imminent reversal in the price. An excerpt from the interview is posted at the King World News blog here:
Alasdair Macleod: Paper sellers still in charge of gold market
Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2013-11-22 11:37 Section: Daily Dispatches11:40a ET Friday, November 22, 2013
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
GoldMoney research director Alasdair Macleod notes today that "paper sellers remain in charge" in the gold market and that market sentiment for gold could hardly be worse, just as it was in 1999 when the great bear squeeze developed:
GoldCore's O'Byrne notes continuing signs of gold market manipulation
Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2013-11-22 10:58 Section: Daily Dispatches10:55a ET Friday, November 22, 2013
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Mark O'Byrne's daily market commentary at GoldCore yesterday noted that "the peculiar trading action" in gold "suggests that certain banks may be manipulating the gold price in the same way that they rigged LIBOR and are alleged to have rigged foreign exchange markets." It's posted at GoldCore here: