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Gartman cites GATA on CNBC, asks: Who cares if gold is rigged?

Section: Daily Dispatches

8:20p ET Monday, November 16m 2009

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

GATA got mentioned on CNBC's "Squawk Box" program today, thanks to a viewer who sent the program an e-mail complaining of gold market manipulation and to Dennis Gartman, publisher of The Gartman Letter, the guest with whom the moderator raised the manipulation complaint. Gartman affected again to be an agnostic on the issue but cited GATA and its long -- and, to Gartman himself, seemingly tedious -- work on the issue. Who really cares any longer, Gartman asked rhetorically, if the gold market is manipulated? The important thing, he contended, is that the gold price is rising steadily.

GATA fully understands that caring about whether markets are manipulated can be bad for business these days and is grateful simply to be mentioned in any context on a U.S.-based television network, since gold's friends and the friends of free markets generally may recognize us no matter how we are disparaged.

The segment of the interview with Gartman that CNBC has posted at its Internet site archive is 2 minutes long and you can watch it here:

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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