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From Australian TV, a devastating parody of central banking
12:19a ET Thursday, January 8, 2009
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
A year ago "Newstopia," the weekly satirical comedy program of the Special Broadcasting Service in Australia, the public broadcasting network there, aired a 3 1/2-minute mock interview with an official of the Reserve Bank of Australia, the Australian central bank. It features the writer, actor, and comedian Shaun Micallef as the television newsman and Nicholas Bell as the RBA official, and it is a hysterical and devastating parody of the aloof smugness and imagined omnipotence of central banking.
It will be horrible if the work of these guys isn't brought to the Northern Hemisphere, and we have to chide our Australian friends for not bringing it to GATA's attention. Because of their subversiveness the "Newstopia" people might not be allowed into the United States, at least for another couple of weeks, but since Australia is a British Commonwealth nation, they'd probably have to be admitted to Britain, and what a delight if they were put in charge of the Financial Times.
You can watch the "Newstopia" segment on central banking at YouTube here:
Or try this abbreviated link:
Make sure to watch it to the very end.
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
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