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Wits Gold: A long-term option on gold
10:13p ET Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Wits Gold is among GATA's biggest corporate supporters and the Wits Gold story is as dear to GATA as the company is, for the Wits Gold story is gold's own story since GATA's founding in January 1999.
It started with the belief that gold's value was being obscured by surreptitious manipulation of the gold market by financial houses and central banks but that this manipulation would be both defeated by exposure and exhausted by the banks' dishoarding of their gold.
It was sustained by faith that individual liberty would prevail through the reassertion of a standard of value independent of governments everywhere.
And it has prospered by the skilled if old-fashioned assembly of assets nobody wanted in anticipation of a better day. For Wits Gold's share price on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange now is about triple the price of its private placements early this year, a share price supported by what is thought to be the lowest price per inferred gold ounce in the world.
Some of that story is well told in today's MineWeb report about Wits Gold by Rhona O'Connell, "A Long-Term Option on Gold," which you can find here:
Wits Gold's Internet site is here:
When the central bank gold is gone, when the European central banks decide to stop giving it away to support the profligacy of the U.S. government and the imperialism of the U.S. dollar, when the Asian central banks decide that their countries have futures quite apart from being the slaves of American consumers, or when the investment world realizes the utter craziness of the ratio between infinite money and real things, there won't be enough zeroes to put behind the gold price. And then Wits Gold's gold won't seem so deep and expensive to extract. Indeed, it's already happening.
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
* * *
at the
2007 Vancouver Resource Investment Conference
Vancouver Convention and Exhibition Centre
Sunday and Monday, January 21 and 22, 2007
Admission is free for those who register in advance. The conference has arranged discount rates at the Pan Pacific Hotel adjacent to the convention center.
* * *
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