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Bypassing problems at GATA egroup web site

Section: Daily Dispatches

11:15p EDT Friday, July 23, 1999

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Please let me alert you to a couple of
problems at the GATA eGroups web site,

1) The message bulletin board is not
showing the latest message, No. 165.
But you can access it by calling up
message No. 164 and then clicking on
the blue rightward arrow to advance to
message No. 165. EGroups has
acknowledged the problem and says
it's working on it.

2) For some reason eGroups doesn't
like to post email addresses within
messages and substitutes a dash
for the last digit in the name in an
address. So the email address for
our publicist, Richard Harmon, was
a bit amputated in message No. 165.
Harmon's address -- and I'll spread
it out here to try to bypass the eGroups'
Big Brother -- is:

R.L.Harmon AT

EGroups substituted a dash for the N
in Harmon.

Sorry for any inconvenience here.

With good wishes.