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Gold suppression policy is blown, GATA's Ed Steer tells talk radio's Dave Janda

Section: Daily Dispatches

12:50p ET Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Interviewed last week by talk radio host Dave Janda on WAAM-AM1600 in Ann Arbor, Michigan, GATA board member Ed Steer, publisher of Ed Steer's Gold and Silver Digest letter, said the U.S. and international economies are in their most fragile condition ever, being supported only by frantic creation of money by governments and central banks.

Steer said the U.S. government has pursued a surreptitious policy of suppressing gold and commodity prices ever since repudiating the dollar's formal link to gold in 1971.

... Dispatch continues below ...


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He added that many governments and central banks are aware of this policy and aren't playing along with it anymore and are buying gold on price dips.

Silver, Steer said, is in much shorter supply than gold and its price potential is much greater.

The interview is 25 minutes long and can be heard at Janda's internet site here:

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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