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Canadian gold mine cyanide spill raises fears among Alaskans on the Yukon River

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Max Graham
Alaska Beacon, Washington, D.C.
Friday, July 26, 2024

A cyanide spill at a major gold mine in the Yukon Territory -- high in the Yukon River watershed -- has sparked widespread concern in Canada.

But Alaska salmon advocates say the mishap isn't just a problem for Yukoners: The spill happened upstream of a tributary of the Yukon River. The Yukon is Alaska's biggest transboundary waterway, and residents along its shores who have depended on salmon for generations are already suffering amid crashes of multiple species.

... Dispatch continues below ...


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Officials on both sides of the border say it's too early to know the full impact of the spill, which happened in late June. And they've advised that there likely isn't a health risk to residents along the Yukon.

Still, some advocates fear that the pollution -- which has not been fully contained -- could make matters worse for the Yukon River's struggling fish.

"Now we have a new threat to our salmon," said Brooke Woods, a tribal member and salmon advocate in Rampart, an interior Alaska village on the upper Yukon River.

The spill has also prompted renewed objections from Alaskans who say that Canadian mining projects threaten the state's fisheries downstream. ...

... For the remainder of the report:

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