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Jim Rickards: Why gold at $27,000 isn't such a crazy prospect

Section: Daily Dispatches

By James G. Rickards
Daily Reckoning, Baltimore
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

I've said that gold could reach $15,000 by 2026. Today I'm updating that forecast.

My latest forecast is that gold may actually exceed $27,000.

I don't say that to get attention or to shock people. It's not a guess; it's the result of rigorous analysis.

... Dispatch continues below ...


First Majestic Mines Silver and Gold 
in Mexico and Operates Bullion Store

First Majestic is a publicly traded mining company focused on silver and gold production in Mexico and the United States. The company owns and operates the San Dimas silver and gold mine, the Santa Elena silver and gold mine, and the La Encantada silver mine as well as a portfolio of development and exploration assets, including the Jerritt Canyon gold project in northeastern Nevada.

In 2024 these mines are projected to produce between 21.1 to 23.5 million silver-equivalent ounces, consisting of 8.6 to 9.6 million ounces of silver and 150,000 to 167,000 ounces of gold, with an all-in sustaining cost of $19.32 to $20.68 per payable silver-equivalent ounce.

For information about the company, visit:

In a practice unique to First Majestic, the company offers a portion of its silver production for sale to the public. Bars, ingots, coins, and medallions are available for purchase online at the company's bullion store at some of lowest premiums available. 

In Q1 2024 First Majestic will also commence bullion production from its 100%-owned and operated minting facility, First Mint LLC, to manufacture its own exceptional silver bullion products catering to the growing demand for physical silver.

Of course, there’s no guarantee it’ll happen. But this forecast is based on the best available tools and models that have proved accurate in many other contexts.

Here’s how I reached that price level forecast…

This analysis begins with a simple question: What’s the implied non-deflationary price of gold under a new gold standard? ...

... For the remainder of the analysis:

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