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Daily Coin's Rory Hall interviews GATA chairman at New Orleans conference

Section: Daily Dispatches

3:55p ET Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

GATA got more than the usual attention at the New Orleans Investment Conference, and it continued yesterday with an interview with GATA Chairman Bill Murphy by The Daily Coin's Rory Hall. Murphy noted that the monetary metals lately have been bouncing back much faster after the usual attacks by governments and their bullion-bank agents.

The interview is 20 minutes long and can be viewed at The Daily Coin here:

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.


Great Bear Drills New Near-Surface High-Grade 'Yauro Zone' Discovery at Dixie:
10.32 g/t Gold Over 18.20 m, 5.60 g/t Gold Over 25.25 m, and 16.60 g/t Gold Over 6.00 m

Company Announcement
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Canada -– Great Bear Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: GBR) today reported new results from its ongoing, fully-funded 90,000-metre drill program at its 100%-owned Dixie project in the Red Lake district of Ontario.

Three new gold discoveries have been made and drill results disclosed in this announcement are from the following zones along the LP Fault: Yauro (new zone), Viggo (new zone), Bear-Rimini, Northwest of Bear Rimini; and along the North Fault (new zone), which runs parallel to the LP Fault. ...

Results include: 32 g/t gold over 2.65 metres and 21.33 g/t gold over 3.30 metres, within a wider interval of 5.14 g/t gold over 37.40 metres; 30.66 g/t gold over 3.45 metres, within a wider interval of 5.60 g/t gold over 25.25 metres; and 35.96 g/t gold over 1.73 metres, within a wider interval of 2.01 g/t gold over 66.20 metres. ...

... For the remainder of the announcement:

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