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Iran switches from dollar to euro as official reporting currency
From Reuters
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
LONDON -- Iran will start reporting foreign currency amounts in euros rather than U.S. dollars, state media said today as part of the country's effort to reduce its reliance on the U.S. currency due to political tension with Washington.
The new policy could encourage government bodies and firms linked to the state to increase their use of the euro at the expense of the dollar.
Central bank governor Valiollah Seif said last week that Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei had welcomed his suggestion of replacing the dollar with the euro in foreign trade, as the "dollar has no place in our transactions today."
Tehran has been trying for years to move away from the dollar, although much of the country's international trade is still conducted in dollars and ordinary Iranians use them for travel and savings. ...
... For the remainder of the report:
Cobalt Blockchain Conference Call:
Thursday, April 19, 8-9:30a ET and Friday, April 20, 10-11:30a ET
Each call will consist of a general update and presentation from the company followed by a question-and-answer session. Interested parties may attend the call in person at IBK Capital, 130 King St. West, Suite 640, Toronto, Ontario, Canada) or join via teleconference. Should you wish to participate in the call, please RSVP to and indicate whether you will join by call or in person.
Here are the teleconference dial instructions.
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Here is the Cobalt Blockchain presentation that will be discussed during the teleconference:
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