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Larry Edelson: Bernanke out of bullets? Heck, no!

Section: Daily Dispatches

10:43p ET Monday, July 18, 2011

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Larry Edelson, managing editor of the Weiss Research investment letter, Uncommon Wisdom Daily, today enumerates the many market-rigging mechanisms still available to the Federal Reserve. Edelson predicts that the Fed will use them, and without telling the markets what's going on. But then market rigging was the very purpose of central banking at its creation. Edelson's commentary is headlined "Bernanke Out of Bullets? Heck, No!" and you can find it at Uncommon Wisdom Daily here:

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.


Prophecy Platinum Reports 10.97 Million Ounces Inferred
and 1.04 Million Ounces Indicated PGM+Gold in Yukon

An independent resource report on the Wellgreen project in the Yukon Territory in Canada has just confirmed that it as one of the largest platinum group metals projects in Canada and one of the few outside South Africa, Prophecy Platinum Corp. Chairman John Lee says.

The report, compliant with Canadian National Instrument 43-101, was written by geologist Todd McCracken of Wardrop Engineering Inc., a Tetra Tech company. It incorporated drill data from 701 diamond drill holes (182 surface and 519 underground) totaling more than 53,222 metres. Using a 0.4 percent nickel equivalent cutoff grade, the Wellgreen deposit now contains a total inferred resource of 289.2 million tonnes at an average grade of 0.53 g/t platinum, 0.42 g/t palladium, 0.23 g/t gold (1.18 g/t PGM and gold), 0.38 percent nickel, and 0.35 percent copper. Separately, the deposit also contains an indicated resource of 14.3 million tonnes at an average grade of 0.99 g/t platinum, 0.74 g/t palladium, 0.52 g/t gold (2.25 g/t PGM and gold), 0.69 percent nickel, and 0.69 percent copper.

Prophecy Platinum Corp. trades on the Toronto Venture Exchange under the symbol NKL, on the pink sheets in the United States as PNIKD, and in Frankfurt as P94P.

For the complete press release on the Wellgreen report, please visit:

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GATA's London Conference
Thursday-Saturday, August 4-6, 2011
Savoy Hotel, London, England

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Thursday-Friday, September 15-16, 2011
Sheraton Toronto Centre

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Thursday-Friday, October 20-21, 2011
Davenport Hotel, Spokane, Washington

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Wednesday-Saturday, October 26-29, 2011
Hilton New Orelans Riverside Hotel

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Golden Phoenix Q2 2011 Conference Call Posted at Company Internet Site

The second quarter 2011 conference call of Golden Phoenix Minerals Inc. (GPXM) has been posted at the company Internet site for immediate playback. The call includes updates on the start of gold production at the company's Mineral Ridge gold project in Nevada, the letter of intent to acquire the Santa Rosa gold mine in Panama, and the company's due-diligence efforts to secure a senior stock exchange listing.

The conference call is 18 minutes long and you download an mp3 of it here:

Or play back the call here:

Golden Phoenix is a U.S. mining company with international exposure to gold, silver, and strategic metals. The company's business model combines project generation and royalty mining that offers the potential for exploration upside, coupled with the backing of production and future royalty streams. View company videos here: