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China splurges on gold for a 16th month as price hits record

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Sybilla Gross
Bloomberg News
Thursday, March 7, 2024

China's central bank added gold to its reserves for a 16th straight month in February, extending a long buying spree that’s helped to support the precious metal’s surge to a record high.

Bullion held by the People's Bank of China rose by about 390,000 troy ounces last month, according to official data released today. That takes total holdings to 72.58 million troy ounces, equivalent to about 2,257 tons. ...

... For the remainder of the report:

Romania still wants its century-old gold back from Russia

Section: Daily Dispatches

The Gold Treasure of National Bank of Romania That Was Sent to Moscow

By the National Bank of Romania
via Politico.Eu, Brussels
Tuesday, March 5, 2024

The troubled story of the evacuation to Moscow of the National Bank of Romania treasure began during the First World War. 

Russia, China, BRICs team up against the dollar with blockchain payment system

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Michael Dorgan
Fox News, New York
Tuesday, March 5, 2024

The BRICs bloc of countries led by China and Russia are moving ahead with their efforts to move away from the U.S. dollar with an announcement that they plan to create a payment system based on blockchain. 

The five-nation BRICs group, which also consists of Brazil, India, and South Africa, will work on creating a payment system based on blockchain and digital technologies, Kremlin aide Yury Ushakov said in an interview with Russian agency TASS late Monday.

Why Britain is still paying the price for Gordon Brown's gold bullion blunder

Section: Daily Dispatches

Nothing that seemed as stupid and sure to be as loss-making as the Bank of England's gold sales that began in 1999 would have been undertaken unless it accomplished an important objective that couldn't be admitted without causing financial turmoil and scandal.

That is, the Bank of England's gold sales rescued the big UK and U.S. bullion banks from their uncoverable but central bank-instigated short positions as the gold market bounced off the bottom. Saving the banks was deemed necessary to protecting the world financial system.  

Ted Butler: The CFTC's (non)response

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Ted Butler
Monday, March 4, 2024

The long-awaited response from the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission to my congressman's office about my concerns about the possible double-counting of publicly reported silver inventories, originally sent to the agency in mid-November, was received by me Friday morning, March 1. 

The questions CFTC and Fed won't answer expose gold price suppression policy

Section: Daily Dispatches

9:44p ET Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

If mainstream financial news organizations ever work up the courage to report honestly about monetary gold, the commanding heights of the issue will have been mapped out for them by U.S. Rep. Alex X. Mooney, R-West Virginia. 

After all, where can investigative journalism start better than with questions that already have been shown to be too politically sensitive for the highest government officials to answer, even when a member of Congress is asking?

E.J. Antoni and Peter St. Onge: Uniparty is only a few steps away from gutting the dollar

Section: Daily Dispatches

By E.J. Antoni and Peter St. Onge
The Heritage Foundation, Washington, D.C.
Tuesday, February 27, 2024

America's political establishment has less respect for the U.S. dollar than our foreign adversaries.

That was made clear when Tucker Carlson recently interviewed the Russian strongman President Vladimir Putin, who clearly articulated how the uniparty in Washington is destroying America's greatest strategic and economic asset—her currency.

Fed chairman refuses to answer congressman's questions on gold repatriation

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Ken Silva
HeadlineUSA, Charlotte, North Carolina
Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Concerned about a weaponized financial system, many countries have signaled plans to remove their gold and other assets from the United States in the wake of the unprecedented Western sanctions imposed on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine.

And at least one congressman is demanding answers from the Federal Reserve as to how much foreign gold has actually been removed from U.S. shores so far.

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U.S. Treasury secretary would expropriate Russian assets, give them to Ukraine

Section: Daily Dispatches

Yellen Urges World Leaders to 'Unlock' Frozen Russian Central Bank Assets and Send Them to Ukraine

By Fatima Hussein
Associated Press, New York
Tuesday, February 27, 2024

WASHINGTON -- Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Tuesday offered her strongest public support yet for the idea of liquidating roughly $300 billion in frozen Russian central bank assets and using them for Ukraine's long-term reconstruction.

... Dispatch continues below ...


German financial magazine interviews GATA secretary on gold price suppression

Section: Daily Dispatches

5:17p ET Monday, February 27, 2024

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Rainer Kromarek of the German financial magazine Smart Investor has just interviewed your secretary/treasurer about gold price suppression and what it will take for the monetary metal to break free of its central bank chains.

The interview can be found at the Smart Investor internet site --
