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Daily Dispatches

Fiat money system unfair to workers, says Parks

Section: Daily Dispatches

FROM TODAY'S PRESS - 16 March 1999

by Jonathan Chevreau
The Financial Post (

With global deflation threatening and financial markets euphoric but
jittery, goldbugs are creeping out of the woodwork. Given the battering
the yellow metal's enthusiasts have been subjected to in recent years,
any view that bullion or precious metals mutual funds are set to leave

Have a Laugh!

Section: Daily Dispatches

Friends of GATA and Gold!

GATA member Gary Harany has sent the hereon following article by Alan
Greenspan, FED Chairman, written for the Wall Street Journal, way back
in 1981. Alan Greenspan was then a partner in Townsend-Greenspan & Co.,
an economic consulting firm. The article tells us a lot about
Greenspan's essentially Pro-gold orientation, now disallowed by the fiat
money crooks he serves.

The $290 line breached in fierce battle

Section: Daily Dispatches

GATA Members,


A Charlotte, NC, man having purchased a case of very rare, very
expensive cigars insured them against fire among other things. Within a
month, having smoked his entire stockpile of cigars and without having
made even his first premium payment on the policy, the man filed a claim
against the insurance company. In his claim, the man stated the cigars

Ken Reser''s VIEWPOINT

Section: Daily Dispatches

Hello GATA Members,

Here are five SUPPORT INITIATIVES, for which GATA gives thanks.

As a sixth item, I am also posting
An interesting VIEWPOINT on why Goldman Sachs is going public!

For GATA, for gold!

Boudewijn Wegerif "GO GATA"
Moderator GATA Forum

- - - - -


From: Hugo
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 17:52:54 +0100

I just sent my contribution of $100. Accounts in red and heavy losses in


Section: Daily Dispatches

9 March 1999

GATA Members,

Gold has been up four days in a row, to a spot price of $292 today.

Go GATA, Go Gold!

$325 by Easter? Judging from Midas du Metropole this evening Why not?

For those of you who are not yet members at Le Metropole Cafe
(, or on a fortnight free trial there, here is a
teaser from Midas' offering at the James Joyce Table an hour or two ago:

The Best Law Firm for the Action

Section: Daily Dispatches

Hello GATA members,

Here is an initiative to follow. In response to the GATA Committee call
for ACTION NOW, Dr Sam Martirosian has written to Newport as a
shareholder, drawing attention to GATA and thanking Newport for NOT
HEDGING. You other shareholders out there, confront the mining companies
that ARE hedging, thank the mining companies that ARE NOT. Let the
emails flow!!!

Your GO GATA Moderator, Bodvin.

A Shareholder''s Initiative

Section: Daily Dispatches

by Ken Reser

After GO GATA gave such over-rated praise for my help, I must respond to
the request for some comments for our own GATA Forum, where I am in the
best of company.

Gold liberated by Easter you say? I hope you are right!

I'm one who never took up a political cause as there hasn't been any
particular politician in my voting reach worth the time. Now it is


Section: Daily Dispatches

Hullo GATA Members,

Here are GATA-related tidbits from the technically detailed and more
fully informative Midas*, posted this evening at the James Joyce Table,
Le Metropole Cafe(

. . .
# We have received information from around the world that all fits
together. First, we have heard of some big player producers that are
very concerned about the appearance of "colluding" with the bullion

Tidbits from Midas du Metropole

Section: Daily Dispatches

Hello GATA Members,

Here is a first reaction to the information that GATA chairman, Bill
Murphy, "let out of the bag" yesterday, namely that GATA is intent on
appointing the best law firm for the ACTION, Berger and Montague.

To: Bill Murphy
From: RH Saturday, Mar 6 1999 6:31PM
Berger & Montague. Whoa, these guys are winners! Were I the shorts when
I read those names, I'd just cover! Right then, no fights. Street

VIEWPOINT, Gold Coins and Indian Deposit Scheme

Section: Daily Dispatches

Hullo GATA Members,

Here is a story that I (Boudewijn Wegerif, the GO GATA Moderator) know
you will appreciate.


In the last day or so, I have noticed very ACTIVE promotion of GATA on
the Gold Eagle and Kitco forums, and very often alright, let's be
honest, most often still from somebody signing himself as YGM. If all
you other GATA supporters got as active for GATA as YGM it could be
