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Daily Dispatches

BIS approves dispossession of private shareholders

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Bill Murphy, Chairman
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
January 9, 2001

We have received tremendous feedback from Germany as a
result of the article in Der Spiegel about the
manipulation of the gold price and Reg Howe's lawsuit
against the Bank for International Settlements, bullion
banks, and U.S. government officials. The article has
created a stir in Germany.

GATA webmaster Geoff Barnes has displayed the Der

English translation of Der Spiegel article about GATA lawsuit

Section: Daily Dispatches

11:16p EDT Saturday, January 6, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Thanks to GATA member Alex Wallenwein for this
translation of the story in Der Spiegel, the
major German news magazine, about our lawsuit
against the Bank for International Settlements
and the other conspirators against gold.

The story is enormously favorable to us and we
think it may have a huge impact in Europe. Please

French news agency reports GATA lawsuit against BIS

Section: Daily Dispatches


11:16p EDT Saturday, January 6, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Thanks to GATA member Alex Wallenwein for this
translation of the story in Der Spiegel, the
major German news magazine, about our lawsuit
against the Bank for International Settlements
and the other conspirators against gold.

Another fraud lawsuit follows GATA action against BIS

Section: Daily Dispatches

9p EDT Friday, January 5, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Here's news of more good publicity for the cause,
from a GATA member. Many thanks to him for passing
this along.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *

I don't know if you listen to talk radio up in New
England, but last night I tuned into WABC-770AM in New
York during the popular Steve Malzberg Show. WABC is a

German magazine Der Spiegel reports on GATA lawsuit

Section: Daily Dispatches

Societe Generale Follows Howe/GATA,
Files Fraud Lawsuit against BIS

By Bill Murphy, Chairman
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
January 6, 2001

Here's a story from Bloomberg News:

quot;New York, Jan. 5 (Bloomberg) -- The Bank for
International Settlements, which is controlled by 49 of
the world's largest banks, has been accused of scheming
to cheat investors as it moves to buy out public

English translation of Der Spiegel story on GATA lawsuit

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Bill Murphy, Chairman
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
January 6, 2001

I just received the following email from Reinhard
Deutsch in Germany.

* * *

Hallo Bill,

The big German Magazine Der Spiegel just published an
article about Reg Howe's legal action and GATA (with a
link to GATA). It is on their web site now but it will
be in the magazine on Monday. Here is the URL:

a href=,1518,111068,00.htmlhttp://www...

New York talk radio show discusses GATA/Howe lawsuit

Section: Daily Dispatches

8:11p EDT January 1, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Our lawsuit with Reg Howe has just gotten some great exposure in The
Australian, a major newspaper in Australian, thanks to the following
column by James Dunn of

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *

Golden chance awaits miners

By James Dunn
The Australian
December 30, 2000

White House Adventure: Opening the Gold Closet

Section: Daily Dispatches

12:06a EDT Monday, December 25, 2000

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

This holiday season is especially joyous for us at
GATA, for it reminds us of all the friends who have
come forward to help us in a cause that once
seemed daunting and now seems almost winnable.

People from all over the world -- people we'll never
meet in person but who nevertheless have made us
strong through the Internet.

A GATA member urges mining companies to help

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Reginald H. Howe
December 30, 2000

The second Bush's first administration will enter the
White House with more detailed knowledge of its
physical layout and recent operating procedures than
any new administration in modern U.S. history. But
keeping skeletons hidden inside White House closets is
getting tougher, thanks in large measure to the

Once tightly shut to the outside world, the chamber of

An audio promotion to help GATA raise money

Section: Daily Dispatches

December 30, 2000

Dear GATA:

Below is the text of a letter urging support of the
GATA lawsuit that I sent today to the the chairmen and
chief executive officers of the South African gold
mining companies in which I hold stock: DROOY, RANGY,

In the coming week I will send the same letter to the
U.S. and Canadian companies whose shares I own: AEM,
PDG, NEM, FN.TO, GSR, GLDR, and -- what the hell --
