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Daily Dispatches

South African paper raises gold price issue

Section: Daily Dispatches

French firm takes BIS buyout battle to court

By Brian Love

PARIS, Jan. 18 (Reuters) -- A French firm contesting the terms of a
compulsory buyout of private shareholders in the Bank for
International Settlements said on Thursday it had started court
action against BIS advisers J.P. Morgan and Arthur Andersen.

Deminor, a corporate governance consultancy company, said it was
taking U.S. investment bank J.P. Morgan and the audit firm Arthur

Calandra says it''s when with gold, not if

Section: Daily Dispatches

12:15p ET Friday, January 26, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

The following is an English translation of two articles
published last weekend in Rapport, an Afrikaans-
language newspaper, in Johannesburg, South Africa. They
show that South Africa is taking notice of the imminent
visit there by GATA Chairman Bill Murphy and Reginald
H. Howe, our litigant against the gold cabal.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer

Off to South Africa in a few hours

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Thom Calandra
January 26, 2001

LONDON (FTMW) -- Gold fund managers are lining up behind gold, with
some suggesting the besieged metal might make a comeback.

The Bank of England's 25-ton gold auction this week, one of a series
of gold sales by central banks worldwide, was 4.8 times
oversubscribed, pointing to a widening gap between physical supplies
and consumer demand.

Reuters story on BIS cites GATA/Howe lawsuit

Section: Daily Dispatches

11p EST Monday, January 15, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Reg Howe has posted at his Internet site a
chart that tends to confirm the manipulation
of the price of gold. You can find it here:

a href=

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer

Gold price manipulation chart

Section: Daily Dispatches

Copyright 2001,
Not to be reproduced without permission


Anatomy of a rigged market;
and GATA's South African agenda

By Bill Murphy
Chairman, Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

Spot gold $263.75.
Spot silver $4.61

Gold sank to a 16-month low last Friday as the funds

GATA writes to officials of new U.S. administration

Section: Daily Dispatches

10:30p EDT Thursday, January 11, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

With his quot;Midasquot; commentary tonight at, GATA
Chairman Bill Murphy has information of special interest to South
Africa. It is copied below.

A few weeks ago Murphy showed how an attack on the Australian dollar
seemed to be related to the gold cabal's need to induce Australian
gold producers to sell more gold. Tonight Murphy examined an attack

Midas commentary for January 14, 2001

Section: Daily Dispatches

1p EST Sunday, January 14, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

GATA Chairman Bill Murphy has sent the following letter
to Gen. Colin Powell, President-elect Bush's nominee
for secretary of state; Paul O'Neil, nominee for
secretary of the treasury; John Ashcroft, nominee for
attorney general; and Lawrence Lindsey, nominee for
presidential economic adviser.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer

Is gold cabal wrecking South Africa''s currency?

Section: Daily Dispatches

11p EDT Thursday, January 10, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Harmony Gold today issued a wonderfully encouraging
statement by email to a half dozen GATA supporters who
had written to the company in support of our cause.
The statement is being posted all over the Internet
already, so I'll attach it below.

It is important for a few reasons.

First, it shows that Harmony believes in its product

Harmony issues statement in support of GATA

Section: Daily Dispatches

BASEL, Switzerland, Jan. 8 (Reuters) -- Central bank
shareholders of the Bank for International Settlements
voted unanimously on Monday to buy back all shares from
private shareholders, ignoring threats of a legal

The BIS, an international institution that serves as a
bank to central banks, stuck by a plan to pay 6,000
Swiss francs per share for the 72,648 shares, or 13.73
percent, of its total capital its member central banks

A stir in Germany and a press agent in South Africa

Section: Daily Dispatches

9:25p EDT Sunday, January 7, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

The French news agency, Agence France Presse, has
just distributed a news story about our lawsuit against
the Bank for International Settlements, whose board is
scheduled to meet tomorrow to vote formally on the
expropriation of its private shareholders.

Odds are that the AFP story will be published in
newspapers throughout France.
